Basics of Cheek Filler Marking Techniques

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Cheek filler is a cosmetic treatment that gives your cheeks a volumized and sculpted appearance. Unlike plastic surgery, it is minimally invasive and has little to no downtime. Injecting filler into different parts of the cheek provides various benefits. For example, if the filler is placed at the higher points of the cheekbone, this would create a “highlighter makeup” effect.

So what are some examples of cheek filler injection points and marking techniques? The necessary injection points – such as the malar point, submalar point, and anterior cheek point – depend on the patient’s anatomy, desired results, and the specific technique of the doctor. Filler techniques include tunneling, point, and dual place injections.

Common Cheek Filler Injection Points

a woman had cheek filler procedure

The cheek is a rather large area on your face, so it could be easy for an inexperienced cosmetic provider to inject filler into all the wrong places. Generally, female patients prefer a gentle curvature when viewed from 45 degrees from the outer cheek to the nasolabial fold.

Take note that the amount of filler that you will need is dependent on your aesthetic goals and the starting point. Volume loss needs a higher amount of filler; collagen-stimulating procedures may need multiple sessions; and for drastic changes, you may need both a touch-up session and an additional amount of filler.

When a qualified injector performs a cheek filler treatment with good technique and comfort measures, the filler injection should not be very painful – although expect some degree of swelling and bruising for a few days post-treatment. Given, the cheeks encompass all the regions of the face – upper, midface, and lower – it’s crucial to know the unique concerns and safety precautions for each one to achieve the best results:

1. Upper Face

The upper face region, especially the malar point at the highest point of the cheekbone, can easily be affected by cheek filler if the substance moves around or if the blood vessels get impacted. This may lead to unnatural-looking results. Due to the water properties of the upper region, it may be best to use a filler that doesn’t have potent water-absorbing abilities.

2. Midface Region

Cheek fillers can also be applied to the midface region, specifically the submalar point and anterior cheek point, to disguise different signs of aging including eye bags, hollowed areas, and prolapsed fat. The most commonly used cheek fillers for midface cheek augmentation are hyaluronic acid-based fillers such as Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Ultra, Sculptra Aesthetic, and Restylane Contour.

3. Lower Face

While cheek filler is typically used to address the upper and midface regions, it can also be used for the improvement of the lower face, particularly the nasolabial folds and marionette lines. More-structured filler is usually injected in deeper locations for jawline and chin enhancement, whereas thin filler is applied to the fine lines around the mouth. You may even opt for lip augmentation to complement your cheek filler.

Tips and Techniques for Cheek Filler Markings

1. Be Precise

Performing cheek filler injections with precision is essential for achieving optimal results and minimizing the risk of complications. Your doctor should first mark the injection sites before beginning the filler procedure to ensure that they are injecting in the right spot and at the correct depth. They must also inject the filler slowly and carefully so that the filler is evenly distributed on your cheek.

2. Take Your Time

As your doctor performs the filler injection, remind them to take all the time they need. They must continually assess your skin’s reaction throughout the process, and make sure that they are on the right track to achieving your aesthetic goals. Attention to detail is what spells the difference between beautiful, natural-looking cheeks and a filler gone wrong.

3. Manage Expectations

While cheek filler injections are generally well tolerated and one of the less painful areas to inject, you should also manage your expectations. The filler procedure won’t be a breeze — it’s common to feel a bit of pain and discomfort during and post-treatment, so have some pain relief ready.

4. Take Professional Cheek Filler Marking Tutorials

The medical industry is constantly innovating, and new cosmetic techniques come out every few months or so. Doctors in the field of aesthetic medicine should stay up to date with the latest advances in filler techniques to provide the best possible care for their patients. 

Patient-centric med spa clinics, like Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, always offer the latest and most innovative treatments as each one often comes with improved safety profiles. Our doctors our trained to minimize risk and refine their filler techniques such as:

  • Tunneling technique: This filler technique is used by most cosmetic providers to treat both superficial wrinkles and deep-set lines. It is also considered the safest way to administer cheek filler. Basically, the injector uses a thin needle or cannula to create a tunnel in the skin which serves as the avenue for the filler placement.
  • Point technique: As the name implies, this procedure involves the microinjections of several small droplets of filler into “points” on the cheek. The drops will then coalesce to lift individual wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Dual plane technique: This refers to the injection of dermal filler into two distinct layers of the cheek tissue – the first one being the deep plane, and the second is the superficial plane.

Key Considerations for Cheek Filler Patients

1. Aesthetic Goals

The best thing about any dermal filler injection treatment is that it is highly customizable and can be maintained with top-up sessions. With cheek fillers, the substance will eventually dissolve after 12 to 18 months. As long as you go into the procedure with realistic expectations and open communication with your doctor, you’ll get the results you want.

2. Age

The body’s collagen production rate declines around the age of 26. This means that if you’re looking to get facial fillers to reverse signs of aging, your mid-20s can be a good age range to start. For other age groups, as long as you’re a healthy non-smoker, not pregnant or nursing, and can commit to an aftercare regimen, you’re good to go get a cheek filler.

3. Anatomic Considerations

There are several anatomic considerations that should be taken into account for a safe and effective cheek filler treatment. One is facial anatomy – meaning nerves and blood vessels should be carefully avoided. Two, the shape and size of cheekbones, as well as soft tissues, vary greatly between patients. And last, the doctor should consider how the muscles move in the patient’s cheeks whenever they smile or speak.

Mark Up for Cheek Fillers at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

a man received cheek filler injection at Dr. Lanna's clinic

Dr. Lanna Aesthetics is the top destination for cosmetic procedures – including cheek fillers and other services – in New York. Our experienced doctors use the latest techniques and high-quality filler to achieve your aesthetic goals, no matter if you’re looking for a subtle lift or a dramatic change. Learn more about our cheek filler services by booking a consultation today.

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