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Will a Cheek Injectable Filler Repair Marionette Lines?

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The Expert Guide to Smoothing Frown Lines with Cheek Fillers

Aging brings many changes to our faces, but few are as frustrating as the deep creases that develop from the corners of the mouth down to the chin. Known as marionette lines, these wrinkles can make us look older, sadder, and more tired than we feel. 

While genetics and facial expressions contribute to their formation, loss of volume in the cheeks is a primary culprit in allowing marionette lines to become more visible. An effective remedy can be found in one of the fastest-growing cosmetic treatments today – cheek fillers

Continue reading to learn all about using cheek fillers to rejuvenate the lower face and how Dr. Lanna Aesthetics can help.

What are Marionette Lines?

Marionette lines are the vertical wrinkles that extend down from the corners of the mouth to the chin. They are often referred to as “frown lines” because they become more visible when a person frowns or makes an exaggerated sad face. Marionette lines tend to deepen and worsen with age as the skin loses elasticity and droops.

These wrinkles are caused by repeated facial expressions that contract the chin and mouth muscles. Over time, the skin around the mouth gets creased from repetitive smiling, talking, and facial movements. Aging also causes volume loss in the cheeks, which allows marionette lines to become more pronounced.

Causes of Marionette Lines

Marionette lines primarily develop due to natural aging effects, including:

Loss of collagen and elastinThese are proteins that keep skin firm and elastic. As we age, decreasing collagen and elastin levels cause skin to wrinkle and sag.
Facial volume lossYouthful faces have full cheeks and strong facial architecture. Volume loss in the cheeks and mid-face due to aging leads to the drooping and wrinkling associated with marionette lines.
GravityOver time, gravity pulls on the skin and leads to drooping. This contributes to marionette lines becoming more visible.
Skin damage from sun exposureUV radiation breaks down collagen and elastin, causing premature wrinkling.
Facial expressionsRepeated movements around the mouth form creases in the skin, which worsen into marionette lines over time. Frown lines are also called “laughter lines” for this reason.

In some cases, genetics, smoking, or weight loss can also contribute to early formation of marionette lines. People with thin skin or naturally thinner faces tend to develop more noticeable wrinkles around the mouth.

Marionette Lines Shouldn't Pull Your Face Down - Call Dr. Lanna to Lift Your Spirits and Smooth Those Lines

How Do Cheek Fillers Work to Soften Marionette Lines?

cheek filler treatment

Dermal filler injections in the cheeks can dramatically improve the appearance of marionette lines. Cheek fillers add lost volume to the midface region, including the cheekbones and upper cheeks. 

This provides a subtle lift that counteracts drooping and sagging of the mouth area. By restoring structure and fullness to the cheeks, fillers help pull the skin more taught in the lower face. This releases the tension causing marionette lines to pull downward.

The added volume creates a smoothing effect by filling in hollows and gaps beneath the wrinkles around the mouth. This diminishes the shadowing caused by indentation from marionette lines.

Types of Cheek Fillers for Marionette Lines

There are three main types of dermal fillers used in the cheeks that can improve the appearance of marionette lines:

Filler TypeBrandsDescription
Hyaluronic Acid FillersJuvederm, RestylaneThe most popular type of filler used for cheek augmentation and treating marionette lines. HA is a sugar naturally found in the skin that binds with water to provide volume. Considered very safe with minimal risks. Results last 6-12 months. 
Calcium Hydroxylapatite FillersRadiesseInjectable filler composed of CaHA which stimulates natural collagen production for long-lasting volume. Thicker than HA fillers and provides immediate lifting capacity, while also improving skin over time. Results in cheeks can last up to 18 months.
Poly-L-Lactic Acid FillersSculptra Contains PLLA, a biocompatible synthetic ingredient that helps replace lost collagen. Injected in a series of treatments about a month apart. Works gradually to increase facial volume while stimulating collagen growth for natural-looking, long-term improvements lasting up to 2 years.

Benefits of Using Cheek Fillers for Marionette Lines

There are many aesthetic benefits associated with using dermal filler injections in the cheeks for improving marionette lines, such as:

Restores Volume

One of the primary effects of cheek fillers is restoring lost volume to the mid-face. Plumping up a flat or hollow cheek area provides lift and structure that reduces sagging and wrinkles like marionette lines.

A controlled study reveals that after 6 months, 92.8% of patients said their cheek volume had improved or improved much compared to before treatment. After 2 years, 75.8% of these patients still said that they are still satisfied with their facial appearance 2 years after the treatment.

Enhances Facial Symmetry

Injectable fillers allow for precision placement and contouring. Cheek fillers can balance asymmetry and sculpt the cheeks to achieve desired proportions and symmetry.

Smoothes Skin

Fillers help fill in sunken creases and wrinkles in the lower face. The added volume has a smoothing effect to diminish the appearance of marionette lines and other wrinkles around the mouth.

Creates Definition

Well-balanced volume in the cheek area defines the cheekbones and provides a more sculpted, youthful look. Fillers enhance contour for improved facial definition.

Improves Facial Contours

Strategic placement of cheek fillers improves overall facial contours by supporting the upper cheek area for a lift effect. This also opens up the eye area.

Minimally Invasive

Dermal filler injections involve minimal downtime, discomfort, and risks compared to surgery. There are no incisions required. Fillers offer significant facial rejuvenation through quick, non-invasive treatments.

What to Expect During Cheek Filler Injections

Cheek filler treatments are performed in the injector’s office as an outpatient procedure. Here’s what to expect:

  1. The injection sites on your cheeks and marionette lines are cleaned and numbed with a topical anesthetic to maximize comfort.
  2. The filler is injected with a very fine needle into specific areas of the cheeks. The doctor will massage the area to evenly distribute the product. You may feel some pressure or mild pinching during the injections.
  3. The appointment takes about 30 to 60 minutes based on the number of injection sites needed. Most patients do not report significant pain with cheek fillers.
  4. Some temporary swelling, redness, or bruising may occur after injections. This typically resolves within a few days.
  5. Results are visible right away, although optimal results are seen after a few weeks as swelling goes down and the filler material settles into its final position. 

See the Subtle, Natural Results Dr. Lanna's Cheek Fillers Can Achieve - Call Today

Risks and Side Effects of Cheek Fillers

Dermal fillers used in the cheeks are considered very safe overall when performed by an experienced aesthetic injector. However, some potential side effects may include:

  • Swelling, bruising, redness - Common and temporary after injections. Usually resolves within several days. Using cold compresses helps reduce swelling.
  • Under- or over-correction - Results depend on proper placement and technique. A skilled injector will ensure optimal results.
  • Unevenness or lumpiness - Can occur if the filler is injected too superficially or clumps during the procedure. Gentle massaging helps smooth it out.
  • Infection - Very rare. Proper sterilization and aftercare reduce risk of infection.
  • Allergic reaction - Allergy testing prior to treatment can assess risks of hypersensitivity to ingredients.
  • Necrosis - Extremely rare. Restricts blood supply and kills localized tissue. Must be treated quickly by removal of filler.
  • Migration - The filler moving from the injection site. Does not happen often with cheek fillers.

More serious complications like necrosis or vascular occlusion are very uncommon when fillers are used properly. Discuss risks with Dr. Lanna and follow all pre- and post-treatment instructions to minimize side effects. 

Other Ways to Treat Marionette Lines

While cheek fillers are a top choice for smoothing marionette lines, other treatment options include:

BotoxWeakens facial muscles to prevent worsening of lines. Often combined with fillers.
Laser skin resurfacingImproves skin tone and stimulates collagen growth. Helps reduce fine lines.
UltherapyFocused ultrasound tightens and lifts the skin for a reduction in wrinkles.
Fat transfersUse your own fat grafted to the cheeks and mouth area. Provides natural-looking volume.
PDO thread liftsDissolvable threads lift sagging skin on the cheeks and jowls.
Topical productsRetinoids and peptides can mildly improve the appearance of wrinkles over time.

For optimal results, a combination approach is often recommended. Consult with Dr. Lanna for the best treatment plan for your individual situation and goals.

Schedule a Consultation at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

cheek filler treatment

Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, led by Dr. Lanna Cheuck, provides a range of safe, effective, and technologically advanced aesthetic services. These services include fillers, Botox, liquid facelifts, and more!

Dr. Lanna and her team have performed over 10,000 successful aesthetic treatments and are known for their expertise in injectables and facial rejuvenation. They are committed to helping clients achieve their beauty goals and feel confident in their own skin.

To learn more about using cheek fillers for improving marionette lines and facial rejuvenation, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lanna Aesthetics today.

Our personalized approach and advanced techniques produce beautiful, natural-looking results that help patients look as youthful as they feel.

FAQs About Cheek Fillers for Marionette Lines

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about using cheek fillers for marionette line treatment:

How long do results last from cheek fillers for marionette lines?

Depending on the type of filler used, results typically last anywhere from 6 to 18 months. Maintenance appointments every 9 to 18 months are recommended to sustain improvements.

How can I prolong the results of cheek fillers?

Combining fillers with other treatments like laser skin resurfacing, Ultherapy, micro-needling, or PDO threads can help prolong results. Maintaining optimal skincare and sun protection also helps sustain filler effects.

What is the recovery like after cheek filler injections?

Most patients experience only minimal swelling, bruising and tenderness for 3 to 5 days after treatment. Some temporary unevenness or lumpiness may occur but usually resolves with gentle massage. Avoiding strenuous exercise for 24 hours aids recovery.

How much do cheek fillers cost?

The average cost per syringe ranges from $600 - $800. Most patients require 2 to 4 syringes to effectively treat marionette lines and revitalize the cheeks. Many practices offer package deals to reduce the per-syringe cost.

Are there any side effects of cheek fillers I should watch for?

Call your doctor if you notice excessive pain, swelling, redness or tenderness that persists beyond a few days. Signs of infection, lumpiness, or skin necrosis should be evaluated immediately to avoid complications.

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