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What to Know About Cheek Filler Aftercare

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Cheek enhancement is a popular cosmetic procedure for anyone who wants to improve their midface region. One common way to do it is by getting dermal filler injections. Unlike plastic surgery, injectable fillers are the least invasive solution for adding volume and providing more prominent cheeks. But even if they’re minimally invasive, patients are still advised to observe post-treatment instructions for a smooth recovery.

So how should you take care of your skin after cheek filler injections? The common first-line treatment for post-filler swelling and bruising is to apply an ice pack or cold compress over the treated area. You should also protect your face from sun exposure and other sources of intense heat. Avoid medications, such as blood thinners, ibuprofen, aspirin, and vitamin E, since they may prolong bruising or cause bleeding. Lastly, avoid pressing or massaging the injected area.

Best Practices on What to Do After Cheek Filler

Dermal filler injections have been around for a long time, helping millions of patients achieve their desired facial enhancements without undergoing the knife. One of its common applications is for cheek augmentation. As more and more people are recognizing the importance of plump cheeks to their overall appearance, they’re becoming interested in the benefits of dermal filler treatment.

A big advantage of cheeks fillers over cosmetic surgery is that it doesn’t require a long downtime. Most patients can go home and return to their normal activities after receiving a dermal filler injection. However, it doesn’t mean that you’re completely free from side effects from the treatment.

Once you’ve had your cheek filler injection, you can still experience some swelling, bruising, lumps, and tenderness that can be a cause of minor discomfort for a couple of days. For this reason, it’s important to follow dermal filler aftercare instructions to help you take care of your fillers and skin:

1. Avoid doing strenuous activities

One thing that providers always remind dermal filler patients is to limit any physical or strenuous activity after the procedure. Heavy exercises, such as weightlifting, running, or swimming, should be avoided for at least 24 to 48 hours after the cheek injections. That’s because exercising causes you to exert physical effort which can subsequently increase pressure in the treatment area.

Exercising can also increase blood circulation which may result in prolonged bruising after the treatment. You can still keep active after a dermal filler injection but it’s best to stick to light exercises such as walking.

2. Drink plenty of water

Another aftercare practice you should do after a dermal filler procedure is to stay hydrated. Proper hydration is essential for supporting the skin’s natural healing process after injections. It may also help promote faster recovery from swelling since it can flush out extra fluid in the body.

Additionally, drinking water may help enhance the results of your injections, especially if you received hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance produced in the body that retains moisture in the skin, and drinking water may support the effects and longevity of your facial filler.

3. Don’t stay out too long in the sun

Patients are also reminded to avoid excessive sun exposure for at least a week after their treatment. The sun emits powerful ultraviolet radiation which may cause the hyaluronic acid substance in your dermal filler injections to break down. It can also interfere with your skin’s healing and cause irritation.

Likewise, you should avoid other sources of heat like saunas, hot baths, and tanning beds for a few weeks. It may reduce the intended effects of your cheek and lip fillers and cause your blood vessels to dilate, leading to prolonged swelling and bruising.

4. Try to sleep on your back

As much as possible, you should avoid putting pressure on your cheeks to prevent the risk of dermal filler migration. This is why patients are also advised to sleep on their back for a few nights after their injectable treatment.

This sleeping posture can help the cheek fillers settle in the area smoothly and keeps the fluid from pooling in the face which decreases swelling. Similarly, you should keep yourself from touching, rubbing, or massaging the treated area to avoid moving the fillers or spreading the Botox injections.

5. Avoid putting makeup or using skin care products with harsh chemicals

Patients should also try to keep their skin free from makeup and cosmeceutical products after cheek filler treatments. One reason for this is that the application of makeup requires touching your face and it may put pressure on the fillers in the treated area. It may also cause bacteria to enter the injection sites and possibly cause delayed skin infections. Makeup should only be applied after at least 24 hours from the injections.

Additionally, you shouldn’t use topical products with harsh ingredients like glycolic acid, retinoids, and Vitamin C. These skin care products may irritate the treated area and reduce the effects of the cheek, lip, and chin filler injections. You can use mild cleansers to wash your face after dermal filler treatment.

6. Postpone facial treatments and other cosmetic appointments

After a cheek or lip filler treatment, it’s best to avoid other cosmetic procedures for at least 2 weeks. Getting a facial massage, chemical peel, or laser treatment so soon after receiving your dermal fillers may cause migration and affect your results. If you’re planning to get additional treatments for facial rejuvenation, you should consult with your provider about the timing of your procedures.

7. Don’t consume alcoholic beverages

Patients who received anti-wrinkle injections should also avoid drinking alcohol after the treatment. Alcohol is a blood thinner and it can worsen bruising and swelling after a dermal filler procedure. It’s also a good idea to avoid alcohol for at least 24 to 72 hours before the treatment to minimize the possible side effects.

Cold Compress for Bruising and Swelling: How Often Should You Ice After Cheek Fillers?

cold compress for cheek filler aftercare

Dermal filler patients can also have a better post-procedure recovery by applying an ice pack or cold compress on the treated area. It’s a convenient remedy for any lingering pain, swelling, redness, and bruising at the injection sites. The application of a cold compress essentially helps slow down blood circulation to manage inflammation and pain.

You can apply it on your cheeks for at least 5 to 10 minutes (3 to 4 times each day) after the procedure. You can continue to do cold therapy for up to 2 days or until the side effects have subsided. Remember to apply the ice pack or cold compress lightly to minimize the pressure on the area.

Are There Any Medications You Can Take for Cheek Filler Post Care?

Yes, you may take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as paracetamol, to help manage pain at the injection sites. However, you shouldn’t take anti-inflammatory medications since they have a blood-thinning effect and can aggravate bruising. You should also avoid other medicines and supplements like:

  • High doses of vitamin E
  • Omega-3 and fish oil supplements
  • Anticoagulants or blood thinners
  • St. John’s Wort 
  • Ginkgo Biloba 

Do advise your dermal filler provider if you’re currently taking prescription medicines for a health condition. You should also discuss if you have a prior history of cold sores since the injections may trigger an outbreak. It’s essential to always disclose your medical history to minimize risks and complications from cheek fillers.

Why It’s Important to Follow Cheek Fillers Aftercare Instructions

Whether you just went through a surgical procedure or filler injections for cheek enhancement, proper post-treatment care is necessary for a variety of reasons. Here’s an overview of the importance of observing dermal filler aftercare: 

  • It avoids unwanted complications after the cosmetic procedure
  • It minimizes discomfort and supports your healing process 
  • It ensures that your cheek fillers settle in smoothly to bring out its desired effects 
  • It reduces the likelihood that you’ll have to return to your provider for additional care or treatment 
  • It increases your satisfaction with your cheek filler treatment

Get Your Cheek Filler Injections at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

Dr. Lanna and her team

Cheek fillers aren’t only an effective anti-wrinkle injection for nasolabial fold and fine lines in the midface but they’re also excellent for restoring your youthful contours and plumpness. For a safe and successful procedure, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions that will be provided by your injector.

Dr. Lanna Aesthetics is a trusted provider of dermal filler injections for addressing lost volume and wrinkles in the cheeks. We offer a variety of cheek filler products and make sure to observe safety guidelines to give you the best possible cheek filler experience. Contact us today to learn more about our dermal filler treatments or book your appointment.

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