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Everything You Need to Know About Mid-Cheek Groove Filler

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Many patients dread the appearance of the lines across their mid cheek, running from the inner corners of their eyes down in a slope across their cheeks, also called the mid-cheek groove. It exacerbates the appearance of premature aging and makes the face look tired and downcast. The good thing is that this can be resolved easily by injections of dermal fillers into the mid-cheek area.

So what should you know about mid-cheek groove filler? Mid-cheek groove filler treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces the appearance of your malar groove. It adds plumpness to droopy and sunken areas of your under eyes and cheeks and boosts collagen production, leaving you with a more youthful and natural-looking appearance. It’s also a quick procedure that doesn’t require general anesthesia, incisions, or lengthy downtime.

What Dermal Fillers Can Do For Your Mid-Cheek Groove 

The mid-cheek or malar groove is the line that runs in a slope from the inner corners of your eyes to your mid-cheeks. It’s a type of static wrinkle where the facial lines appear even when the face is at rest. These lines develop as the skin starts to lose plumpness due to aging, sun exposure, declining collagen production, and gravity. 

Static lines like mid-cheek grooves can be tough to resolve, but they can be resolved easily by dermal fillers -- gel-like substances derived from synthetic material or animal sources. Malar groove filler procedures involve injecting facial fillers into the skin to fill sunken areas and boost collagen production, reducing the appearance of your mid-cheek groove and leaving you with tighter and more radiant skin.

Why Patients Prefer Dermal Fillers for Their Mid-Cheek Lines

A woman getting cheek filler

Patients seeking to resolve their mid-cheek grooves choose dermal filler injections. This is because it has been reliable in reducing the appearance of facial lines with natural-looking results. Dermal filler treatment is one of the best options because it:

  • Offers natural-looking results
  • Provides long-lasting effects
  • Boosts collagen production
  • Involves minimally invasive techniques
  • Requires minimal downtime

These are only some of the reasons why many patients rely on facial fillers to reduce the appearance of their mid-cheek grooves. If you want to learn more about this treatment and know if it’s the best solution for you, you may consult a reputable aesthetic professional.

What to Expect from Your Mid-Cheek Groove Filler Treatment

Mid-cheek groove filler treatment is a minimally invasive procedure to resolve the lines running from the inner corners of your eyes to your mid-facial area. Some of the things you should learn about this treatment are its treatment procedure, side effects, aftercare instructions, and results.

Treatment Procedure

Mid-cheek groove filler treatment is a non-surgical procedure, so you can expect it to be done in less than an hour. This procedure is usually performed in a doctor’s office and doesn’t require general anesthesia or any incision. Your treatment will likely go as follows:

  1. The targeted area will be assessed by your aesthetic professional to come up with a treatment plan.
  2. Your face will be cleaned to avoid infection and irritation.
  3. Numbing cream or ice will be applied to the targeted area to reduce discomfort.
  4. Markings will be applied on your mid-cheek groove to ensure precise injections.
  5. The filler material will be injected into the marked areas in precise movements to ensure proper administration of the substance.
  6. The treated area will be massaged for an even distribution of the dermal filler material.
  7. The markings will be cleaned off your face.

Patients react differently to pain, but most of them find mid-cheek groove filler injections tolerable due to the application of numbing cream or using fine needles. You can expect to feel a slight pressure, similar to pressing on your face with a finger, and your skin gets fuller from the filler material. You may consult a reliable aesthetic professional to learn more about your procedure.

Side Effects

Dermal filler treatment for the mid-cheek groove is a nonsurgical solution, but you can still expect adverse reactions. These symptoms are your body’s normal reaction to the treatment, like other procedures and medications, including oral medicines. Some of the side effects you can expect are:

  • Pain in the injected area
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Rash
  • Itching

Ensure seeking a reputable aesthetic professional, following aftercare instructions, and attending post-treatment consultations to avoid complications. These signs will be fully resolved after 2 weeks, but you can notice them subsiding after 3 days. You should consult your doctor immediately if any of your symptoms persist or worsen after a week or if you develop other signs, such as skin discoloration, fever, and extreme pain.


Dermal filler treatment for the mid-cheek groove requires only minimal downtime, and patients can still continue most of their normal activities with only a few precautions. Some of these steps are:

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and heat, like saunas or tanning beds.
  • Avoid applying pressure on the treated area for a few days – ensure sleeping on your back for the first few nights.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise for 2 days.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages for 2 days.
  • Avoid other aesthetic procedures, like chemical peels, facials, laser treatments, microdermabrasion, or facial waxing for the first 2 weeks post-treatment.
  • Avoid using vitamin C, retinol, AHA therapy, or oil-based makeup.
  • Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medication.

These are only some of the steps your aesthetic provider will advise you to ensure a smooth recovery. Following these instructions is necessary to achieve the best results possible and get your money’s worth.


Dermal fillers mimic substances in your body and boost collagen production, so you can expect natural-looking results. Its final results will appear after 2 to 4 weeks, but you’ll be able to notice changes right after your injections.

How long your dermal fillers for the mid-cheek groove depend on the type and brand of the material used. They can last from 6 months to 24 months. If you want to maintain the results of your procedure, you can consult your aesthetic professional for touch-up procedures.

Addressing Concerns with Your Mid-Cheek Groove at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

The mid-cheek groove is the prominent line running from the inside corners of your eyes to your mid-cheek area, exacerbating the appearance of facial aging and giving a tired appearance. This is caused by the soft tissues of the face losing volume and drooping. But with dermal filler injections from the best aesthetic professional, you can resolve these facial lines and get a younger-looking and more radiant appearance.

Dr. Lanna Aesthetics is one of the best medical spas in New York for providing dermal filler procedures to a wide range of target areas, including the mid-cheek groove. Patients can expect world-class treatments with highly-trained aesthetic professionals committed to providing the safest and most successful procedures possible. Get started on your journey towards getting a younger-looking and more radiant appearance by booking an appointment with us today.

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