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Day 5 Cheek Swelling Post-Fillers? Here's What's Normal

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If swollen cheeks on the 5th day after a dermal filler makes you worry, take the time to read this.

Have you recently had dermal filler injections like Juvederm or Restylane and noticed your cheeks are still swollen and full looking 5 days later? The good news is mild cheek swelling lasting around 5 days is completely normal after filler injections. 

At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we take great care to inform our patients about any concerns related to dermal fillers. This article answers essential questions about cheek swelling duration, recovery, and results from your facial rejuvenation treatment. 

What Causes Swelling on Day 5 After Dermal Filler Injections?

cheek filler treatment

Swelling 5 days after dermal filler injections is caused by the body's inflammatory response to the injections, which peaks at 2-4 days. It's common but should improve gradually. Excessive or worsening swelling by day 5 needs evaluation.

When dermal filler is injected under the skin, it immediately adds volume to restore lost fullness or enhance facial contours. However, your body also responds to these injections with an inflammatory reaction that stimulates increased blood flow and fluid to rush to the area as part of the healing process. 

This causes temporary swelling of the soft tissues that peaks at around 2 to 4 days after injections. Mild to moderate swelling and bruising are very common after filler injections in the cheeks. 

The good news is that swelling resolves fairly quickly for most patients within 1 to 2 weeks. However, according to our experience at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, swelling can persist for up to 5 days or slightly longer in some cases.

While having some cheek swelling still present at 5 days post-injection is common, if it is not showing signs of gradual improvement by that point or seems excessive, that would be considered abnormal and should be evaluated.

Still worried? Let our experienced staff of beauty professionals advise your filler swelling. Contact us now!

How Long Does Cheek Swelling Usually Last After Fillers?

Based on our expert opinion, the typical duration of swelling after dermal filler injections in the cheek area is:

  • 2 to 4 days: Peak swelling occurs during this time frame. Your cheeks may look noticeably fuller and rounder.
  • 5 to 7 days: Most swelling usually resolves within about one week. Your cheeks will start looking more natural.
  • Up to 2 weeks: It’s common to have minor residual swelling for up to 2 weeks after injections. This will fully resolve with time.

According to our experience, it’s rare to have severe or excessive swelling lasting longer than 2 weeks after dermal fillers. If swelling seems to get worse or persists longer than this duration, contact your provider for evaluation.

When Should I Be Concerned About Persistent Cheek Swelling After Fillers?

Based on our expert opinion, you should call your dermatologist or plastic surgeon if you experience any of the following:

  • Swelling that gets progressively worse after the first 2 to 4 days when swelling should start to improve.
  • Excessive swelling lasting longer than 2 weeks after filler injections.
  • Extreme, painful swelling and reddening of one or both cheeks.
  • Warm, red skin overlying swollen areas, which may indicate infection.
  • Swelling accompanied by pus, oozing, fever, or flu-like illness.

Severe or worsening cheek swelling after dermal fillers warrant prompt medical evaluation to check for potential complications like occlusion, ischemia, impending necrosis, or infection. Your provider can advise if dissolving filler is needed.

What Can I Do to Reduce Swelling After Dermal Filler Injections?

To help minimize swelling, bruising, and discomfort during your recovery from dermal filler treatments, Dr. Lanna Aesthetics recommends:

  • Apply cool compresses to the treatment area for 10 to 15 minutes a few times per day for the first 24 to 48 hours. Do not apply ice directly.
  • Sleep with your head elevated on 2 to 3 pillows to reduce gravity-related swelling.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise, saunas, hot tubs, or anything else that induces sweating until the swelling has resolved.
  • Refrain from massaging, rubbing, or manipulating the treated area to avoid increasing swelling.
  • Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen if your provider recommends it to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Stick to a soft, cool diet for the first day or two. Hot liquids or spices may worsen swelling.
  • Avoid blood-thinning supplements like vitamin E, fish oil, or NSAIDs until bruising resolves.

By following these tips diligently after your cheek filler injections, you can minimize the duration and extent of swelling for optimal results. Always call your provider if you have any concerns during your recovery.

Are There Risks With Dermal Fillers Causing Prolonged Facial Swelling?

cheek filler treatment

The main risks of dermal fillers causing prolonged facial swelling are vascular compromise, infection, and allergic reactions, but these complications are very rare based on our experience. 

Vascular CompromiseVery rarely, filler injection into a blood vessel can block oxygen supply, causing tissue damage, ischemia and necrosis. This requires prompt treatment.
InfectionUnsterile injection procedures or contaminated filler can introduce bacteria, leading to swelling, redness, pain, pus and flu-like symptoms.
Allergic ReactionAllergies to lidocaine or hyaluronic acid can sometimes trigger exaggerated swelling, along with redness, itching, rash and other symptoms.

Your provider can advise whether dissolving filler is indicated in these cases to reduce complications.

Get the coveted 'Dr. Lanna glow' using her special methods to avoid prolonged cheek puffiness. Start booking now!

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