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How Long After Rhinoplasty Can I Get Cheek Fillers?

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It's understandable that people want to see immediate results right after a rhinoplasty. 

However, it's important to note that it takes quite some time for nasal tissues to fully heal and settle into their new shape after surgery. This is the reason why most plastic surgeons recommend waiting at least 6 months, or even longer, before going for other facial procedures like implants or cheek fillers.

If you want to learn why it's crucial to wait and what the optimal timing is for going on other procedures after a rhinoplasty (as well as any other questions related to the rhinoplasty procedure itself), then it’s best to read on.

When Can I Get Cheek Fillers After Rhinoplasty?

a woman getting cheek fillers

Rhinoplasty recovery is a gradual process that takes place over weeks and months. Here are some general guidelines on the rhinoplasty healing stages:

  • Peak swelling and bruising occurs around the 2 week mark after surgery.
  • Most patients can return to regular daily activities within 2 weeks of their procedure.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 4-6 weeks to allow incision sites to heal. This includes exercise, sports, heavy lifting, or anything that significantly raises your heart rate.
  • Post-operative appointments continue for 6-12 months to monitor ongoing healing and settling of the nasal tissues into their final shape.
  • Full effects from surgery are visible approximately one year after the procedure.
  • Minor residual swelling may persist for up to a year.

The nose can take up to a year to fully stabilize after rhinoplasty surgery. Because of this lengthy healing and recovery process, plastic surgeons recommend waiting a minimum of 6 months before receiving any dermal filler injections or other procedures in the facial area.

This timeline allows for complete healing and stabilization of the nasal structures that were surgically altered during your rhinoplasty.

Some plastic surgeons may even advise patients to wait 9-12 months before getting fillers, especially for more complex revision rhinoplasty cases involving multiple treated areas of the nose.

Why The Long Wait? 

The 6+ month waiting period after a nose job is important for the following reasons:

Allows Tissues to Fully Heal From Surgery

Rhinoplasty causes trauma to the nasal bones and cartilage framework which requires time to properly heal. 

Any inflammation or swelling in the area from recent surgery could alter the accuracy and effect of dermal filler injections in the cheek or midface area. Post-operative swelling needs to fully subside and residual bruising must resolve before further procedures can be safely done. This helps avoid potentially skewed results. 

Reduces Risk of Complications and Revision Surgery

Waiting for the recommended healing period helps prevent potential complications like infection, bleeding, filler material migration or clumping under the skin. It also drastically lowers one’s chances of blood vessel occlusion, tissue necrosis, filler migration and other serious complications.

Premature filler injections could accidentally change, distort, or displace the surgical improvements made during your nose reshaping procedure.

blood vessel occlusion, tissue necrosis, filler migration and other serious complications.

Key Tips for Scheduling Dermal Filler Injections

Have an Open Discussion with Your Plastic Surgeon

Your surgeon knows your rhinoplasty procedure details and what timeframe allows for optimal healing based on your unique case. Communicate your desires for cheek fillers or other injectables during consultations.

Be guided by your doctor’s expert recommendation on the best timing to schedule filler treatments after surgery for safe, effective results. Clear communication upfront helps avoid compromising your surgical outcome.

Be Patient During the Post-Op Healing Period

Be patient during the first 6 months of your recovery period. Remember, the long wait is worth it.  Follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions carefully to support the best possible healing process and cosmetic outcome.

Use Other Cosmetic Options That Don’t Affect the Nasal Region

While procedures like facial implants and cheek fillers should wait at least 6 months after a rhinoplasty, there are other procedures you may consider in the meantime if desired.

If you wish to refresh your appearance but it’s too soon for cheek fillers, ask your providers about suitable alternatives like laser skin treatments, microdermabrasion, or chemical peels. These can enhance facial aesthetics without impacting the healing nose.

Other options are makeup contouring to temporarily balance and refine the facial profile until injectable fillers can be scheduled. Be sure to keep the nose area clear while healing.

Here are some examples of alternative cosmetic options to consider during the healing period after rhinoplasty:

Non-invasive facial treatments:

  • Chemical peels - light peels can refresh the skin's appearance without affecting the nasal area
  • Microdermabrasion - gently exfoliates and can reduce acne scars/sun spots
  • Laser skin resurfacing - improves tone, texture, and radiance of the skin

Injectables far from the nose:

  • Botox for forehead, crow's feet
  • Fillers for smile lines, lips, chin, jawline or cheeks
  • Avoiding any injections near the under eye/tear trough which may affect nose

Makeup and contouring:

  • Camouflage residual bruising
  • Use highlighter and contour to refine facial definition
  • Divert attention from the nose until fully healed

Topical treatments:

  • Retinoids and glycolic acid for an even skin tone
  • Vitamin C and niacinamide serums to brighten complexion
  • Hydrating and soothing facial masks

Hair treatments:

  • New haircut, color, extensions
  • Distract from the nose area

Wellness and relaxation:

  • Healthy diet and exercise
  • Massage, acupuncture
  • Reduces stress/discomfort during recovery period

Dental procedures:

  • Teeth cleaning or whitening
  • Clear aligners to straighten teeth
  • Smile enhancement lifts facial appearance

But it's still best to consult your plastic surgeon first.

Factors like how invasive the rhinoplasty was and your individual healing process can influence the optimal timing. Less extensive procedures may be possible after just a few weeks, while more complex revisions or ethnic rhinoplasties may require an even longer waiting period. 

With your doctor's guidance, some complementary procedures can be sequenced earlier to continue enhancing your appearance while waiting for the optimal timing of other surgeries. As long as treatments don't interfere with the nose's healing, there are options to consider if you really want to continue improving other facial areas in the interim.

Patience Leads to Success When Scheduling Fillers After Rhinoplasty

a man's face after cheek filler treatment

Open communication between the patient, plastic surgeon and any other providers is crucial for coordinating a safe, effective cosmetic treatment plan and timeline after rhinoplasty.

Following the postoperative instructions and allowing the full 6-12 month nasal healing timeframe before receiving any fillers, implants or other facial enhancements will provide the most predictable and satisfactory outcomes.

For those seeking expert advice and cosmetic enhancements after rhinoplasty recovery, consult with Dr. Lanna Aesthetics in NYC. With over 10,000 procedures performed, Dr. Lanna is highly experienced in dermal fillers and creating natural-looking, balanced facial aesthetics tailored to your unique beauty. Schedule a consultation today.

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