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Is It Possible To Get Higher Cheekbones With Cheek Fillers?

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One of the most popular types of facial rejuvenation is cheek augmentation. This procedure helps individuals address lost volume in their midface region and restore the shape and bring out the natural contours of their cheekbone. Cheek enhancement can be done surgically via cheek implants and fat grafting, or non-surgically with injectable dermal fillers.

So how can cheek fillers provide more definition and accentuate your cheekbones? Cheek filler injections can be placed into the area around your cheekbones, adding volume to visibly lift the skin and provide a stronger and sculpted facial bone structure. It can also help smooth out the appearance of cheek wrinkles and lines that are aging your face.

Do Cheek Fillers Lift Your Face?

Dermal filler injections are incredibly versatile and can enhance your face in different ways. As an anti-aging treatment, facial fillers can reduce the appearance of mild to moderate wrinkles and fine lines. They can also plump hollow areas that have lost fullness and shape due to the decrease in facial volume.

Another popular application of dermal fillers is facial sculpting or contouring. It’s basically a procedure where the essential features of your face are enhanced to provide more defined and attractive contours. The cheekbones are one of the important structures that patients pay attention to when it comes to facial sculpting.

High cheekbones and rounded apple cheeks are often the standards of attractiveness in both men and women. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with prominent cheekbone structures, and people who already have them will eventually get sunken cheeks with age and natural volume loss.

Cheek fillers can help reverse the effects of facial aging and restore your youthful appearance. While cosmetic injections can’t necessarily get rid of excessively sagging cheeks, they can add enough volume to provide a subtle facelift or tightening effect. By raising the skin around your cheek bone, fillers can also give you more pronounced and defined cheeks.

How Do Cheek Filler Injections Really Work?

A cheek filler treatment is administered just the same as how other injectables are given. Interested patients should always receive their cheek filler injection from a trusted provider to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Here's an overview of how cheek fillers are injected:

  • First, the provider will mark the designated injection sites where they’ll place the filler.
  • After outlining the treatment area, the provider will clean and disinfect the skin on the injection sites.
  • A topical anesthetic or numbing cream will then be applied to the treatment area to minimize the pain and discomfort during the procedure. Some fillers also already have a numbing agent or lidocaine mixed in their formulation.
  • Once the skin is numbed, small amounts of fillers will be injected into the treatment sites.
  • The cheek filler procedure may last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes depending on how many injections are needed.
  • Patients can go home or return immediately to their normal activities after the cosmetic procedure.

Where Do Cheek Fillers Go For Higher Cheekbones?

a woman had fillers on her cheekbones

When choosing your cheek filler provider, you should consider their injection skills and qualification. For the best possible results, you should only get your cheek filler treatment from trained professionals who are knowledgeable in the appropriate techniques to help you achieve high cheekbones.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to cheekbone filler procedures. During consultation and before the treatment, your provider will evaluate your entire facial anatomy and profile to identify the injection sites.

Generally, the dermal fillers are placed above the cheekbones for more definition and shape. However, the providers may inject the lower part of the cheekbone in case you need more cheek volume and lift sunken areas. They may also place small amounts of fillers to other facial areas, such as the jawline, chin, or nose, to accentuate your cheekbones and achieve a balance in your facial profile.

How Often Do You Have To Get Cheek Fillers?

Cheek filler injections can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. The longevity of its effects will depend on the facial filler brand used for the treatment. For hyaluronic acid fillers, you may need to get touch-up treatments every 4 to 8 months to maintain the plumpness and contours of your cheeks. On the other hand, collagen-stimulating fillers require fewer treatments and additional injections may be done at least once a year.

What Are The Best Cheek Fillers For High Cheekbones?

There’s a wide range of dermal filler products to choose from, but ultimately, the choice of cheek filler injection will depend on your specific needs and goals. While they’re all suited for cheekbone augmentation, these injectables vary in the consistency and active ingredient present in the formulation. Here are the different kinds of cosmetic fillers for higher cheekbone treatment:

Active ingredientDescriptionExpected results
Restylane LyftHyaluronic acidAn FDA-approved filler specifically made to improve fullness and volume of the cheeks

It can also address the appearance of nasolabial folds around the nose and mouth
6 to 12 months
Restylane ContourHyaluronic acidThis hyaluronic acid filler is made with advanced XpresHAn Technology which provides natural-looking results for cheek augmentation

It has a flexible, smooth gel material that lets you create a range of facial expressions and movements without looking unnatural or stiff
Up to 12 months
Juvederm Voluma XCHyaluronic acidThis injectable filler is designed for adding volume to the cheek and midface region

It has a thicker consistency compared to other Juvederm products, making it perfect for adding support to your natural cheekbone structure and providing a subtle lift
Up to 2 years
RadiesseCalcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA)This cheek filler has a thick and firm consistency that can integrate naturally with your connective tissues

It’s an excellent injectable for restoring cheek shape and fullness while reducing prominent wrinkles and lines

It also has the ability to stimulate collagen production which can improve your overall cheek elasticity and skin quality
15 to 18 months

Are Cosmetic Cheek Fillers Safe?

Cheek filler treatments are minimally invasive and carry fewer risks and complications than cosmetic surgery. However, patients may still experience some pain and discomfort for a few hours after the injection. They may also have the following side effects:

  • Mild swelling
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Rashes

Most of these side effects are temporary and will go away on their own within several days. To minimize the possible adverse events, make sure that you’re working with a licensed and experienced injector for your dermal filler treatment.

You should also disclose your medical history and mention if you’re currently taking medications or supplements that may affect your treatment. A cheek implant or dermal filler may not be for you if:

  • Are currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have a known allergy to the ingredients in the dermal filler product
  • Have a preexisting bleeding disorder
  • Have an active infection near the injection area
  • Have open wounds, rashes, or acne in the treatment site

Aftercare Reminders to Ensure The Best Cheek Dermal Filler Results

While cheek injections don’t require as much downtime as plastic surgery, your provider will still advise that you take it easy for the first few days after the injection. Here are some aftercare practices that you should follow to have a smooth recovery from the cheek filler procedure:

  • Apply a cold compress over the treated area to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Apply arnica gel on the skin to manage bruising.
  • Don’t go inside sauna rooms, hot baths, or hot tubs.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure for at least 7 days after the treatment.
  • Don’t drink alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours.
  • Don’t directly touch, rub, or massage your cheek area to avoid misplacing or moving the fillers.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activities for at least 48 hours or until the swelling and bruising subsides.
  • Try to sleep on your back for the first few nights to avoid putting pressure on your cheeks.
  • Don’t get other cosmetic treatments after your cheek fillers. As much as possible, other procedures, like laser skin resurfacing, facial, chemical peel, or microdermabrasion, should be scheduled 2 weeks after the injectables.

Get Beautiful Results For Your Cheek Fillers With Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

a woman had cheek fillers at Dr. Lanna's clinic

Injectable fillers are a great solution for volumizing hollow cheeks and adding support to your cheekbone structure for a more defined and balanced facial profile. They can also eliminate the appearance of facial wrinkles and improve your overall skin texture and quality. All you need to do to get your desired outcome is to find a reliable provider for your cheek fillers.

Here at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we have a team of professionals who can provide the best possible results for your cheek enhancement. We’ll thoroughly examine your concerns and create a customized treatment plan that’ll give you the improvements that you want. Contact us today to book an appointment or inquire about our cheek filler treatments.

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