Does Cheek Filler Make You Look Younger?

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Some people believe that it’s impossible to find cosmetic procedures that reverse the different signs of facial aging while maintaining their natural beauty. But cosmetic science has already come a long way – thanks to dermal fillers that subtly add facial volume to your cheeks, you can look a few years younger naturally.

So can cheek fillers really make patients look younger? Getting cheek fillers and other facial filler treatments can make patients look up to 5 to 10 years younger. Cheek fillers work by increasing cheek volume, enhancing cheekbone structure, and reducing deep facial lines like smile lines, marionette lines, and more.

How Much Younger Can Cheek Fillers Make You Look?

The effects of filler injections are well-known among many patients, which is why it’s not surprising that around 3.4 million dermal filler injection procedures were performed in various treatment areas in 2020 alone. Aside from lip fillers, cheek fillers are some of the most popular types of filler injections.

Facial volume loss is a common problem caused by aging, leading to hollow or flat cheeks that make patients look gaunt. When administered into the cheek area, the dermal filler injection can increase facial volume and rejuvenate the patient’s appearance. Cheek fillers are also effective in erasing smile lines and other deeper facial lines near and around the cheeks for a more youthful look.

By addressing the loss of volume and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, cheek fillers can help patients reduce their perceived age by 5 to 10 years. But remember that these cosmetic treatments are only temporary, so patients require additional treatments every few months or so to achieve their aesthetic goals and maintain their beauty results for longer.

Do Cheek Fillers Make You Look Younger?

A woman getting cheek fillers

Dermal fillers are a great alternative to plastic surgery because they can make patients look a few years younger with just a few injections. Here are some of the benefits of using cheek fillers to make patients look younger:

  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles – Dermal filler products smooth static wrinkles on the face. These are the deep facial lines that appear on the skin due to loss of volume, sun exposure, and other factors. They don’t easily disappear as the facial muscles relax, so the best way to treat them is by filling the hollow areas like the cheeks and nasolabial folds.
  • Enhanced cheekbone structure – Sometimes, shallow contours around the cheeks make a person look a bit tired and gaunt. A dermal filler treatment around the cheek and tear trough won’t physically change the cheekbone’s structure, but it adds volume to the area – resulting in the illusion of high and pronounced cheekbones that many people find attractive.
  • Increased cheek volume – Cosmetic injectable treatments are particularly great at addressing the loss of volume in different parts of the face. Injectable fillers come in different types with different mechanisms, but they’re all meant to add volume to the injection site. With hyaluronic acid cheek fillers, the material also boosts natural collagen production for added cheek volume even after the facial fillers dissolve.

When Should You Start Getting Cheek Fillers?

There’s no right or wrong age for getting facial filler treatments like cheek fillers – as long as you’re already over 21 years old. However, most experienced providers recommend getting them during your mid-20s to early 30s.

During this time, the body starts experiencing a loss of collagen and elastin – two important proteins that maintain skin health, texture, and structure. Wrinkles, fine lines, and hollow cheeks might not appear yet, but it’s better to prevent the appearance of moderate signs of aging even before they develop. This way, patients only require fewer filler injections or aesthetic treatments later on.

For patients in their late 30s, 40s, or older, filler injections are still helpful in adding volume to the cheeks and smoothing smile lines, wrinkles, and deep folds. They’re also advised to get dermal fillers to fix the dark circles under the eyes along with cheek fillers to create more balanced aesthetic results.

If you’re unsure whether cheek fillers are the best solution for you, it’s always a good idea to visit a dermatologist or filler provider for a quick consultation about cheek fillers and different cosmetic filler options. They have the extensive experience required to check the condition of the skin and recommend a unique treatment plan based on the patient’s needs.

Are Cheek Fillers the Best Anti-Aging Option for You?

Although cheek fillers are the best alternative to cosmetic surgery when it comes to anti-aging and aesthetic goals, they might not always be the best choice for some patients. Here are other minimally invasive anti-aging options that you might want to consider and how they compare to cheek fillers:

  • Botox injections – This anti-wrinkle injection erases wrinkles and fine lines by restricting the natural movements of the injected facial muscles. While it can make patients look younger by reducing fine lines, it doesn’t work well as fillers do for static wrinkles and other issues caused by loss of volume.
  • Liquid facelift – This aesthetic treatment uses a combination of fillers injected at different areas of the face to resemble the effect of a surgical facelift. While it’s also a great anti-aging option that’s similar to cheek fillers, patients run the risk of experiencing the facial overfilled syndrome. Some of them only need a few injections of HA fillers on their cheeks and under the eyes to balance their look and achieve their beauty goals.
  • Collagen injections – Collagen injections are another type of injectable treatment meant to fight different signs of skin aging without the need for cosmetic surgery, but their results aren’t nearly as good as dermal fillers. Cheek fillers are still the better option for most patients because of their natural-looking and long-lasting results.
  • Laser treatments – While laser treatments are highly versatile when addressing different skin issues, their results aren’t nearly as good as cheek fillers for restoring facial volume. It takes multiple treatment sessions for the cheeks to become rounder and fuller with laser procedures. However, these aesthetic treatments are great complementary procedures to cheek fillers for patients who want to start a proper skin care regimen.

Look a Few Years Younger With Cheek Fillers at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

If you want to achieve and maintain a youthful appearance without relying on plastic surgery, then cheek fillers can effectively erase a few years off your face. These injectables restore fullness and volume to the cheeks while erasing the fine lines and wrinkles near the treatment area – giving you a more refreshed and youthful look.

Although cheek fillers are relatively safe for most patients, getting treatments from a trusted provider like Dr. Lanna Aesthetics allows you to achieve the best results and experience top-notch care. Call us today to book a complimentary consultation.

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