Why DIY Cheek Filler Procedures are Dangerous

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Dermal fillers are popular solutions for reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles and providing nonsurgical facial enhancements, like restoring the plumpness of the cheeks. While it costs less than plastic surgery, patients can still expect to pay a specific amount for safe and high-quality services. Because of this, some opt for unsafe DIY filler procedures with Hyaluron pens, posing high risks of serious complications and legal issues.

So why are DIY cheek filler procedures dangerous? DIY cheek filler treatments don’t adhere to the theories, techniques, and regulations for performing the procedure. They pose serious risks not only in the outcome of the results but also in ensuring your health and safety, as they may cause serious complications that may lead to irreversible damage. Those performing this treatment illegally without a license may also face legal charges.

Health Risks of DIY Cheek Fillers

A woman getting cheek filler

Some patients may find cheek fillers from a reputable aesthetic clinic expensive, making them consider DIY dermal filler procedures. But this option doesn't guarantee the appropriate dermal filler brand for your target area, administering the material the proper way, and adhering to health and safety regulations imposed by the law. DIY filler procedures make the patient prone to dangerous risks.

Other than this, Hyaluron pens or needle-free filler pens are getting popular, where the skin receives a non-medical grade hyaluronic acid into the skin with highly pressurized air. This allows patients to perform the treatment at home without FDA approval.

The most dangerous risk of getting DIY cheek fillers or any other injectable procedure is its possible effects on the body. After all, the treatment still involves injecting foreign material into your body, so you can expect it to cause specific bodily reactions. You might be injected with a poorly manufactured or contaminated dermal filler, causing complications like:

1) Allergic Reaction

Dermal fillers can cause allergic reactions. While this is rare due to the high biocompatibility of hyaluronic acid fillers, those getting DIY cheek fillers may have high risks of experiencing anaphylactic reactions, like:

  • Rashes
  • Edema
  • Itchiness
  • Pain
  • Erythema

You have higher risks of hypersensitivity reactions from DIY dermal fillers, as you can’t be sure about the ingredients and formulation of the facial filler or the proper techniques in administering it to your skin. 

Getting these unlicensed and unregulated procedures might also fail to give you immediate and appropriate diagnosis and treatment. This is especially when thorough observation is needed to detect hypersensitivity reactions, as some cases show up days to weeks after the treatment or even longer. 

2) Infections

Getting DIY cheek fillers gives you higher risks of infection than having them from a reputable aesthetic professional, which only happens rarely. You may develop this complication if your skin’s protective barrier gets damaged from improper injection or poor aftercare methods.

Patients also risk bacterial infections from biofilms forming in tools, the local skin flora, or even the filler material itself. DIY or uncertified cheek filler procedures don’t have guarantees in adhering to sanitation protocols imposed by the law, so you can’t expect a safe treatment. Infections from dermal fillers may cause these symptoms:

  • Abscess at the injection site
  • Nodules
  • Erythema
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Leukocytosis

3) Development of Nodules

The development of lumps is common when getting dermal filler treatment. But it can also be a sign of a rare complication if it is caused by poor injection techniques. It may also come with other symptoms or has developed at least 2 weeks post-injection. Patients must seek cheek filler procedures from trusted aesthetic professionals where they can get regular post-treatment consultations and ensure a smooth recovery.

Doing cheek filler procedures yourself or getting them from uncertified injectors may risk the development of lumps or nodules. This can develop when the target area receives way too much filler material or higher pressure from the syringe. Delayed-onset nodules develop as your body’s hypersensitivity response or bacterial infection.

4) Vascular Occlusion

Vascular occlusion is one of the most severe complications of dermal fillers, as it can lead to inflammation, skin necrosis, and loss of vision. This adverse reaction is caused by the filler material:

  • Getting injected inside a blood vessel
  • Rupturing a blood vessel
  • Applying external pressure on a nearby blood vessel

Complications from obstructed blood flow due to dermal filler injections require immediate detection and treatment to prevent serious and irreversible complications. This is a rare reaction to this procedure, but patients may have higher risks with DIY cheek fillers.

Performing cheek filler injections require extensive knowledge of facial anatomy and sophisticated injection techniques. This ensures precise administration of the dermal fillers, avoiding nearby nerves and blood vessels. 

Aesthetic professionals are also trained to inject a sufficient amount of dermal fillers with accurate pressure. When doing DIY cheek fillers, you or an uncertified injector only rely on patterns and surface-level knowledge of injection techniques, which may risk hitting a blood vessel.

Poor Results from DIY Cheek Fillers

Performing DIY cheek fillers or getting them from an uncertified practitioner doesn’t guarantee your desired results. Your cheek fillers might end up too much, too little, or uneven. Licensed aesthetic professionals have gone through intensive knowledge and training to come up with a treatment plan suitable for your face. They’re also equipped with the right injection techniques to administer them. 

Legal Risks of DIY Cheek Fillers

Aside from its dangerous risks, performing cheek fillers on your own is also illegal, giving you the possibility of facing legal charges. Dermal fillers are still considered medical devices or drugs and can only be obtained by medical professionals. Injecting fillers on yourself if you’re not a professional is still against the law, as you’re taking a drug you illegally obtained.

Why Should You Seek a Highly-Trained Professional for Your Cheek Filler Treatment

Getting cheek filler treatment from reputable professionals can be more expensive than DIY filler options. But these costs save you from the possible health risks and mental and emotional distress you’d get from uncertified treatments. More than this, the price you pay for reliable practitioners guarantees the following:

  • Safest and most comfortable procedure possible
  • Best results with sophisticated tools and expertise
  • Minimal health risks with precise techniques and customized treatment plans
  • Thorough aftercare check-ups 
  • Immediate detection and treatment of possible adverse reactions

Get a Younger-Looking Appearance with the Best Cheek Filler Treatment at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

Some patients find cheek fillers from reliable aesthetic professionals expensive, making them consider DIY filler treatments. But injecting fillers on your own or getting them from uncertified practitioners gives you dangerous risks of serious complications, like allergic reactions, infections, nodules, and vascular occlusions. You may also get poor results and face legal risks. That’s why it’s worth going for the services of trusted aesthetic professionals.

Dr. Lanna Aesthetics is one of the best medical spas in New York for providing dermal filler procedures, including cheek fillers. You can expect to get the results you want and more because of highly-trained professionals performing your procedure. They’re equipped with the best tools and techniques, guaranteeing the safest and most successful treatment possible. Get a younger-looking and more radiant appearance, and book an appointment with us today.

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