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How Long Does It Take For Dermal Fillers to Settle?

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Dermal filler treatments are a fantastic option to instantly puff up your lips and add volume to any sagging areas on the face. It adds naturally occurring compounds to the skin, giving the patient a long-lasting youthful look without any noticeable marks and uncomfortable side effects. The results for plastic surgery may also take a year for its effects to fully heal while dermal fillers comparatively take a while to start naturally improving your skin.

So how long does it take for dermal fillers to take effect? Generally, it takes 2 to 4 weeks for injectable treatments to start enhancing your skin. The initial 2 weeks after the treatment may have mild side effects but can be managed with rest and aftercare steps.

When Will My Dermal Fillers Take Effect?

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that contain sugars and minerals your body already produces to maintain the skin like hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite, respectively. Other ingredients may also be man-made biodegradable materials that are naturally broken down by the body like poly-L-lactic acid. The skin needs time—up to 4 weeks—to incorporate the filler but improvements can be seen in mere days.

Hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane, Restylane Lyft, Juvederm, Juvederm XC, Juvederm Voluma XC, and Juvederm Ultra XC boost the skin’s appearance by attaching themselves to the water molecules in its tissues. This will organically hydrate the skin, helping you build a natural new look. Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers like Radiesse use compounds found in bone regeneration to provide similar results of facial rejuvenation and are perfect for deep wrinkles and skin folds.

Once the gel starts to be absorbed by the tissues in the skin. The materials in the filler will boost collagen production in the injected area: smoothening any wrinkles and fine lines, adding volume by plumping it, and increasing the healing rate of the skin—erasing any scars or acne scars on its surface.

All forms of plastic surgery and other invasive skincare treatments like laser treatment and injectable treatment need because the skin needs time to adjust to any resculpting or added substances. Compared to these treatments, dermal fillers have a quick activation time because it relies on the skin’s inherent absorption process and collagen production to clear up signs of aging, wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging.

Do Dermal Fillers Work Straight Away?

Yes, the filler treatment only needs to be applied through a quick injection for its year-long effects. At least 1ml of filler will be added to the skin, usually on the lips, cheek, jawline, forehead, or near the eyes. After the injection, you may see subtle improvements likened to a facelift such as a slightly increased volume in the treatment area; lessening wrinkles. fine lines, and tear trough; and tightening folds and sagging like a nasolabial fold.

These results will continue to develop for months after the injection giving the patient a full and natural facelift that can last up to a year or longer with an effective skincare maintenance routine. Even when the results have long faded, you may opt to request another dermal filler injection to maintain a youthful appearance.

The operation is also quick as well. This goes for lip fillers, cheek fillers, and other facial fillers. This is why a dermal filler treatment is known as a “lunchtime procedure.” It can easily be done within your lunch break and needs no immediate downtime to return to daily activity.

Pretreatment Steps to Prepare the Skin for Dermal Fillers

1. Take an Initial Consultation with Your Dermatologist

As with any treatment, your health care or skin care provider will conduct an assessment of your skin’s condition. This will help them ascertain the amount of dermal filler needed and where the injections will be done. It is worth noting that those who are pregnant or breastfeeding cannot proceed with the dermal filler treatment.

Your dermatologist will ask about your lifestyle, skincare routine, current medication, previous skin care treatments, and medical history—especially if you have a history of cold sores. There are also extremely rare cases where the patient may be allergic to the fillers but this will be assessed by the dermatologist in the initial interview.

2. Avoid Consuming Any Blood-Thinners

If the patient is approved for the treatment, the dermatologist will give instructions to avoid any uncomfortable side effects that may occur after the treatment. A common prohibition among all injectable treatments is the use of blood thinners, whether through medication or foods, for 1 to 2 weeks before the treatment. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, Omega 3, garlic, ginseng, and green tea.

These will increase the probability and level of swelling and bruising after the injection as these consumables raise the blood circulation in the skin. The blood vessels in the treatment area may be injured or irritated from the injection and added filler. If the blood flow raises, the weakened blood vessels may rupture, causing further bruising and swelling.

3. Don’t Smoke or Drink Alcohol

Another common precaution is to stop smoking and consuming alcohol 2 weeks before the dermal filler treatment. Smoking has multiple detrimental effects on the skin. It dehydrates the skin, exposes it to heat from the smoke, may lead to creating dark spots, and constricts blood vessels—leaving the treatment area vulnerable to bruising and swelling. Smoking will also increase the aging process of the face so it is counterproductive in all stages of the treatment.

Alcohol has similar effects to smoking. It is a diuretic, which means it takes to water and nutrients from the skin and other organs in the body, thereby dehydrating the face and quickening the aging process. Consuming alcohol will also constrict the blood vessels, leading to a high chance of bruising and swelling after the injection.

4. Keep Your Schedule Free

Though the filler treatment is quick and requires no downtime, it is better to prepare in case common side effects occur. At the least, leave two days of free time to rest the skin to let the skin absorb the filler and ease any side effects without any worry or urgency.

The patient must also avoid certain events, activities, and operations for a day or two weeks after the treatment as it may incur other developments and side effects. Exercise aside from light walking should be avoided a few days at most after the treatment to prevent any swelling or bruising. The patient should not undergo dental procedures of any kind, vaccination, and facial messages two weeks after the dermal filler treatment.

Common Side Effects and How to Properly Ease Them

common side effects of dermal fillers

There are always unwanted and discomforting bodily reactions that happen after any treatment. For dermal fillers, this usually happens because of the injection or the body’s reaction to the filler. A reliable and first-rate dermatologist is the best way to prevent these side effects but depending on the condition of the skin and lifestyle habits, they may still occur.

1. Swelling

Swelling is extremely common after dermal filler injection, especially a lip filler injection, and may be mistaken as added volume in the skin. This is caused by damage to the blood vessels from the injection. Even if the correct area was properly injected, there are plentiful, tiny blood veins in the face that may be irritated or scratched by the injection. Swelling is an aftereffect of the body healing these damages.

Swelling can happen a day after the injection and could last for up to 3 days. Home remedies for swelling include applying an ice pack or a hot compress, consuming arnica or applying arnica oil, drinking water, and keeping the head elevated.

2. Bruising

Bruising can happen for similar reasons to swelling as the blood may pool in the injured blood vessels. The discoloration brought by bruising is normally minimal because any punctures in the blood veins are incredibly tiny.

However, anything that increases blood flow, such as exercise, blood thinners, and drinking alcohol, will increase the duration and the area of bruising. Instead, if you are prone to bruising, consider consuming or applying arnica, eating pineapple, or taking bromelain supplements to lessen the inflammation in the treatment area.

3. Pain

With swelling or bruising, slight pain may also be experienced. It can subside with time and rest in an elevated rest but avoid taking aspirin to ease it as it is a blood-thinner. Taking Tylenol and applying hot and cold compress is an effective alternative to alleviating pain and swelling.

4. Itchiness

After a filler treatment, it’s normal to feel itchiness in the treatment area. Try to avoid giving in to scratching as it will disturb the filler in the skin and cause wrinkles and sagging through increased movement. A cold compress will numb the skin, decreasing the sensation of itchiness.

5. Redness

Redness in the treatment area is also common within the first 4 days after the injection and may be accompanied by swelling. The same aftercare steps, like ice compress and the application of arnica before and after the injection, will also help get rid of redness. If it still persists or is bothersome, taking Benadryl pills will provide relief from the redness and swelling.v

Post-Care Tips to Help the Face Absorb the Dermal Fillers

Aside from preparing for side effects, there are also ways to quicken the absorption rate of the fillers while increasing their efficacy and lifespan. The goal of these actions is to maintain the results of the filler and protect the skin from further aging and damage.

1. Keeping Hydrated and Maintaining a Balanced Diet

Drinking water is an effective and easy method to increase the skin’s elasticity and volume. It will also help the skin take in the filler in its tissues. Eating collagen-rich foods like bone broth, eggs, and fish will also supply the skin with healthy sugars and minerals to maintain a smooth texture and plump size.

2. Protect Your Face From Sun Damage

UV radiation from extensive exposure to the sun is an integral factor in the aging process. It increases melanin production leading to hyperpigmentation, damages collagen, and dehydrates the body causing the skin to wrinkle and sage, and may even contribute to skin cancer. Adding sunscreen to your skin routine with an SPF 45 or higher is essential to preserving the results of the treatment while shielding it from further harm.

3. Minimize Facial Movement and Touching

The exaggerated facial movement will cause dynamic wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging in certain areas of the face especially the cheeks, jawline, and areas around the eyes. Unnecessary scratching may cause an acne infection or scarring as it may open up the pores to bacteria.

When Do The Results of Dermal Fillers Peak?

The results of your dermal fillers will peak at the 4-week mark. The treated area should have minimized wrinkling and sagging with added volume. Follow-up consultation and treatment may occur two weeks after the treatment so that the dermatologist may observe its developments. Results will start to fade around 6 to 9 months since the procedure,

Hence, it is best to avoid agitating the skin for the first two weeks after the injection to avoid any undesirable outcomes and uncomfortable side effects. It is also advisable to manage patient expectations so that the quick results of dermal filler treatments can be satisfactory.

First-rate Dermal Filler Injections at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

a woman had dermal filler injections at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics' beauty clinic

Dermal fillers are an incredibly popular option for facial rejuvenation for its fast and long-lasting results compared to other invasive options in plastic surgery. With the number of clinics offering the treatment, it’s difficult to find a trustworthy one that can provide you with natural-looking results without any drawbacks and errors.

Dr. Lanna Aesthetics is a world-class aesthetic clinic that has provided hundreds of clients, ranging from celebrities to everyday clients all over the U.S., with injectable treatments and other high-quality skincare procedures. Book a consultation with us online or call us here at (929) 565 - 7539.

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