What You Should Avoid After Having Chin Fillers

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Dermal filler treatment for the chin may give only subtle changes in the treatment area, but you may notice significant enhancements in your overall appearance. Having chin fillers is only a simple procedure done in the doctor’s office in less than an hour with minimal downtime. But like many aesthetic treatments, it also comes with dos and don’ts that ensure a safe recovery and satisfactory results.

So what should you avoid after undergoing a chin filler treatment? You should avoid washing your face with tap water for a day. You must also abstain from strenuous exercise, consuming alcoholic beverages, and applying topical products for 2 to 3 days. Wait a week before coming into contact with warm temperatures and taking blood thinners, 7 to 10 days before applying pressure on the chin, and at least 2 weeks before undergoing another cosmetic procedure.

How Your Chin Fillers Differ from Other Treatment Areas

Dermal fillers are FDA-approved gel-like solutions that add volume to the treatment area and boost collagen production, depending on the type of fillers. It's a common and versatile cosmetic procedure that may provide facial enhancements. You may have heard about this from celebrities and influencers who had undergone a lip filler treatment, making their lips look plumper.

Aside from being used as a lip injection, injectable fillers might also be used for adding volume to the chin. While some might not notice the changes in the treatment area immediately, this injectable treatment might significantly enhance the facial appearance without cosmetic surgery.

Receiving facial fillers for the chin has a few differences from other treatment areas. The chin isn't similar to other parts of the face, like the lips or cheeks – it's closer to the bones, like the jawline. Your chin also moves a little as you do facial expressions. Because of this, your plastic surgeon or expert injector might choose dermal fillers with thicker consistencies. These dermal fillers aren't malleable like others and hold their form better.

Some dermal filler types and brands used widely for the chin are:

  • Juvederm Volux
  • Juvederm Voluma XC
  • Restylane Defyne
  • Restylane Lyft
  • Sculptra
  • Radiesse

Consult your plastic surgeon about the most suitable chi filler according to your current appearance, aesthetic goals, and preference. You may either have the procedure to smoothen fine lines in the chin area, augment it to achieve a chiseled look, or both.

What Chin Fillers Do for Your Appearance

Dermal fillers may also serve as anti wrinkle injections – they may tighten the skin and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Its effects of stimulating collagen production may help keep your face youthful-looking and elastic. Injectable fillers are suitable for mild to moderate fine lines and wrinkles on the cheeks and chin area, like:

  • marionette line
  • smile lines
  • parentheses
  • nasolabial folds
  • tear troughs
  • under eye lines
  • chin creases

Chin filler injection may also be used for adding volume and resolving a weak chin, where it looks shorter and less pointed. Chin augmentation treatment may:

  • improve facial contours - your filler injection for the chin makes your skin look more pointed and defined, giving a more youthful appearance.
  • help make the face look more proportioned - having a shorter chin than your forehead and nose area throws off the balance on your face. Receiving your filler injection for the chin aligns it with the "golden ratio," or the measurement of the face considered beautiful.
  • improve side profile - patients feeling self-conscious about their side profile receive dermal filler injections into the chin.

Consult a reliable plastic surgeon or injector for your dermal filler injection treatment. This cosmetic procedure might be a low-risk procedure, but you may still experience serious adverse reactions, especially at the hands of an inexperienced injector.

How Dermal Fillers Work for the Chin

Dermal fillers add volume to the chin as the gel-like solution is injected into the dermis. The solution is what forms the plumpness in the treated area. It also promotes collagen production, supporting the skin's elasticity and tightness.

These are due to the effects of the active ingredients -- hyaluronic acid filler is the most common type, like Restylane Lyft, Juvederm Voluma, and others. Its active ingredient, hyaluronic acid, may also be found in the human body.

Injectable fillers aren't permanent, but they can be long-lasting, depending on the type of filler. Some hyaluronic acid filler brands can last as long as 2 years, while some can retain their effects only for 6 months.

Things to Prevent After Receiving Fillers for Your Chin

Facial fillers add volume to the chin to make it look more pointed, contoured, and proportionate to the face, giving you a more youthful appearance. Many patients prefer this solution to plastic surgery because the treatment session doesn't last long, requires a short downtime, and has fewer health risks. But this doesn't mean it won't come with a few guidelines for aftercare.

1. Washing the Face with Tap Water

Patients should avoid washing their face with tap water for at least 24 hours after their dermal filler treatment to reduce the risks of infection. Tap water in some places may be contaminated. Your injectable filler may not require incisions, but the injection has made tiny open wounds where bacteria may enter and cause infections. A day is enough time for the puncture wounds to close up.

2. Strenuous Exercise

You should also avoid strenuous exercises and other similar activities for 48 to 72 hours. That's why you should schedule your injectable treatment during your rest days. Doing a rigorous workout increases your blood circulation, making the treated area more painful and possibly developing bruises.

3. Warm Temperatures

If you're thinking of getting a tan, entering the sauna, or taking a nice hot bath soon after your dermal filler treatment, you might want to reschedule it to next week, at least. Patients should avoid coming into contact with warm temperatures for at least 4 days after their chin filler injections.

If you want to be safe, you can wait around 2 weeks. Like doing strenuous exercise, coming into contact with warm temperatures also heightens your heart rate and blood circulation. This may risk infection in the injected area.

4. Pressure on the Chin

You should also avoid applying pressure on the chin for 7 to 10 days after injectable treatment. This also means you need to avoid sleeping on it, so lay on your back in the meantime. Your chin fillers might be thick, but they might still be deformed if you apply extensive pressure. You should wait for it to settle before returning to your normal routine.

5. Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages aren't really advisable for patients who just had their facial fillers. You might want to avoid this, along with smoking, for about 48 hours. Alcohol has a blood-thinning effect, which may cause more bruising on the treated area.

6. Blood-Thinning Medication

Avoid blood-thinning food and medications for at least 1 week to reduce the risks of extensive bruising and swelling. Food with blood-thinning effects include:

  • garlic
  • ginseng
  • ginger
  • gingko biloba
  • fish oil
  • kava, and more

Blood-thinning medications also include ibuprofen, like Advil. If you're considering taking pain relief medications, consult your doctor for prescriptions. Blood-thinning medications weaken your blood's ability to close up wounds. This results in bruising as the puncture under the skin hasn't been covered up by the platelets yet.

7. Oil-Based Makeup and Harsh Products

Avoid applying makeup and topical skin care with retinol and other exfoliants for 1 to 2 days -- this may risk infections and skin irritations on the injection site. If you should clean your face or apply moisturizer, opt for products with a mild formulation.

8. Other Cosmetic Treatments

If you're considering having other cosmetic treatments, like microneedling, laser treatments, or PRP, you may schedule it at least 2 weeks after your filler anti wrinkle injections. This is enough time for your skin to heal and for the substance to settle, reducing the risks of skin irritations, infections, and other serious side effects.

Other Ways to Care for Your Chin Fillers

Aftercare is still a necessary stage in your chin filler injection treatment because it ensures the recovery of the injection site. It keeps you safe from serious side effects and complications that may affect not only the results of your cosmetic procedure but also your appearance and overall health.

1. Pain Relief

Patients react to pain differently, but most report mild to moderate pain after the dermal filler injection, especially at the chin and lip area. Your practitioner may also do several ways to keep your experience as comfortable as possible, like applying a numbing cream or using fine needles. If you need medication for pain relief, take acetaminophen medicines, like paracetamol or Tylenol.

2. Bruising Relief

If you had consumed food or taken medications with blood-thinning effects, you might run the risk of developing bruises. You can take over-the-counter medicine for bruising, like Hirudoid and Bruderm. Before your procedure, you may also take Bromelain as a preventative treatment.

3. Swelling Relief

To relieve swelling, apply a cold compress for the first 24 hours, but be careful not to apply the ice directly. You may also take arnica before having your anti wrinkle injections as a preventative medication.

Get Celebrity-Level Chin Filler Treatments with Dr. Lanna

woman had chin filler treatment at Dr. Lanna's clinic

Undergoing chin filler injection treatment may make your appearance look younger, contoured, and more proportionate, without the need to undergo plastic surgery. This might be a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, but it also involves several precautions to ensure a safe recovery and successful results.

When having dermal filler injections, you should choose a beauty provider trusted for producing safe and satisfactory results, like Dr. Lanna. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing patients with their desired facial enhancement with dermal fillers, Botox, and other solutions. You can know more about having your chin fillers by booking an appointment or visiting our website to fill out our form.

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