When Can I Sleep on My Side After Getting Cheek Fillers?

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After getting cheek fillers, it's recommended to avoid sleeping on your side for at least 48 hours and potentially up to 5-7 days until swelling subsides, tenderness resolves, and pressure causes no discomfort.

You just got cheek fillers and are excited to see the results. But when can you comfortably sleep on your side again? This is a common concern for many filler patients. Read on for an in-depth look at when side sleeping is safe, the risks of sleeping on your side too soon, and tips to rest comfortably during your recovery.

When Can I Safely Resume Sleeping on My Side After Cheek Fillers?

Cheek Filler Treatment

After cheek filler injections, your provider will likely recommend avoiding sleeping on your side for at least 48 hours. This allows time for the filler to settle properly and for initial swelling to subside. However, your exact timeline will depend on your individual healing process. 

Some patients feel ready to sleep on their side after 2 days, while others need 5-7 days. Be sure to discuss a timeline with your provider. Rushing this step could displace your filler, leading to uneven results. Patience is key for proper healing.

Why Should I Avoid Sleeping on My Side Immediately After Getting Fillers?

Sleeping on your side too soon after cheek filler injections can lead to problems like:

  • Filler Migration: Pressure from side sleeping could push the filler into unwanted areas, resulting in an uneven appearance.
  • Increased Swelling & Bruising: Sleeping on the treated area exacerbates inflammation and fluid buildup under the skin. Give your body time to reabsorb this fluid.
  • Suboptimal Results: Side sleeping inhibits proper healing, increasing the chances of lumpiness, poor filler integration, and low patient satisfaction.

Following your provider's instructions protects your investment and ensures you heal properly. The short-term discomfort of side sleeping avoidance leads to better long-term results.

What Are the Best Sleeping Positions After Cheek Fillers?

The ideal sleeping position after cheek filler injections is on your back with your head slightly elevated. Aim for 10-30 degrees of elevation. This takes pressure off the injection sites. Place an extra pillow or two under your shoulders and upper back to prop yourself up.

For side sleepers, using lots of pillows in strategic positions can make back sleeping more tolerable short-term. Place pillows under your knees, behind your lower back, and on either side of your arms. This mimics the feel of side sleeping. Take care not to actually sleep directly on the treated side.

Are There Any Tips or Tricks for Sleeping Comfortably After Cheek Fillers?

Here are some tips for maximizing sleep comfort after cheek filler injections:

  • Use a silk pillowcase. The smooth fabric minimizes irritation to the treated skin.
  • Keep your head cool with a soft gel eye mask. This soothes swelling.
  • Take pain relief medication before bedtime as needed. This ensures uninterrupted sleep.
  • Use a humidifier. Proper moisture prevents dryness which could lead to peeling and crusting.
  • Maintain a slightly upright position even when relaxing in bed during your recovery.

Patience and care now means better results later. Don't rush the healing process.

What Signs Should I Watch for That Indicate I Can Safely Sleep on My Side?

Cheek Filler Treatment

Once swelling has substantially subsided and tenderness at the injection sites has resolved, you're likely ready to try side sleeping again. 

This usually occurs within 5-7 days but varies by individual. Discuss your specific progress at your follow-up appointment. Your provider can best assess your readiness to sleep on your side.

As a general rule, if firm pressure on the treated area causes no pain or discomfort, side sleeping should be safe. But ease back into it slowly. 

Try alternating sides during the first few nights. And stop immediately if you experience any concerning pain or symptoms. Listen to your body above all else.

Final Thoughts

Getting cheek fillers is an outpatient procedure with a relatively quick recovery. But avoiding side sleeping for the first few nights is vital to proper healing. Attempting to sleep on the injected side too soon risks filler displacement and suboptimal results. 

Patience leads to the best outcome. Speak with your provider about an exact timeline for resuming side sleeping. And utilize pillows and sleeping aids to stay comfortable on your back until fully cleared for normal sleep habits. With the right aftercare, your cheek filler results will be well worth the wait!

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