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What You Need to Know Before Getting Cheek Fillers

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No one is really exempt from the signs of aging but there are some ways that you can conceal it and still maintain a youthful appearance. Cosmetic injectables, like dermal fillers, are one of the best treatment options that can help address common skin aging issues such as wrinkles, smile lines, and volume loss. One of its most popular applications is for enhancing the cheeks.

So how do cheek fillers help improve your look? With a cheek filler injection, you can restore the right amount of facial volume to re-plump, contour, and lift your midface region. Sagging cheeks is one of the things that can easily give away your age, which is why cheek fillers will help you look several years younger with renewed facial features, smoother skin, and a more sculpted cheekbone structure.

Injectable Fillers for Cheek Augmentation: Why This Treatment Is Becoming Popular

When it comes to facial aesthetics, dermal fillers are one of the most popular procedures that immediately come to mind. This treatment is well-loved by many individuals and A-list celebrities, and it’s so popular that it ranks as one of the top-performed cosmetic procedures with an average of 57% of women who received the treatment in 2021.

There are many uses for dermal fillers, including tear trough correction, lip injections, acne scar treatment, chin and jawline contouring, and facial volume correction. More recently, thanks to its versatility as an injectable, there’s also an increasing demand for administering soft tissue fillers into the cheek area.

With a dermal filler, you don’t need to undergo plastic surgery or get cheek implants to augment your midface region. Fillers are gel-like substances that can volumize your cheeks and make them appear fuller and softer when injected beneath the skin. They’re usually given in a series of minimally invasive injections and can be done within 30 minutes.

Benefits of Dermal Cheek Filler Injections

Aside from being non-surgical, there are other advantages to getting dermal fillers for cheek augmentation. As a cosmetic treatment, they’re highly customizable and the injections can be given in such a way that it addresses your specific concerns and aesthetic goals. Here’s how cheek fillers can be typically used to enhance your appearance:

1. Restore Lost Cheek Volume Due To Aging

As you get older, it’s natural to lose volume and facial tissue which can affect the shape and fullness of your cheeks. Your cheekbone also loses its fat pads and structural support which leads to the look of sunken or flat cheeks.

Dermal fillers are an excellent treatment option to replenish lost volume and bring back the roundness and plumpness of the cheeks. While it’s not cosmetic surgery, the fillers can also provide immediate results so you can notice a subtle change in your cheek fullness and overall facial contour.

2. Enhance Cheekbone Structure for a Younger and Refreshed Look

Hollow and flattened cheeks can also contribute to an older and more tired facial appearance. When you raise your cheekbones with a facial filler injection, it will also plump the area between your lower lids and cheeks. This will help reduce the dark circles under your eyes and make you look more radiant, youthful, and well-rested.

3. Achieve a Balanced Facial Appearance

Not everyone has a perfectly symmetrical face, and with different factors such as aging, sun damage, and collagen loss, it’s normal to experience having more pronounced sagging cheeks more on one side. With a cheek filler treatment, you can restore facial balance by injecting more volume into the sunken area to improve its shape and make it resemble the other side.

4. Eliminate Cheek Wrinkles and Smile Lines

Cheek fillers are also a great way to get rid of the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and smile lines. They can be injected to fill in the facial creases and lift the skin tissues for a smoother and softer facial appearance.

They’re usually administered to minimize prominent wrinkles that show around the sides of the mouth. Fillers can also help soften pronounced nasolabial folds that form on the edges of the nose and mouth.

How Safe Are Cheek Filler Treatments?

Cheek fillers are mostly safe and low-risk as long as they are administered by experienced injectors, licensed nurses, or board-certified plastic surgeons. The procedure is usually done outpatient and it shouldn’t be too painful as the filler is already mixed with lidocaine.

During the treatment session, the provider will apply a numbing cream to the intended injection sites. The topical cream and the lidocaine in the dermal filler formulation will significantly reduce the pain and discomfort from the injections. Most injections will slightly feel like a pinch and you’ll notice the sensation of the filler being placed under your cheeks.

After the procedure, most patients can return to their normal activities without needing a long downtime period. You can expect to experience minimal side effects such as injection site pain, bruising, swelling, redness, and tenderness. But do note that these reactions are usually temporary and will subside on their own after a few days from the treatment.

How Long Do Fillers Last for Cheek Enhancement?

Cheek fillers are not a permanent solution for the effects of facial aging. The longevity of results of the injectable treatment can depend on the type of material that was injected and how much filler was placed under the skin. On average, most cheek fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to 18 months.

When the effects of your initial cheek fillers are starting to wear off, you can easily arrange for maintenance treatments with your provider. But if you want a more permanent and longer-lasting treatment, you can opt to have a facial fat injection but the only catch is that they require a surgical procedure. Cheek fillers are still the best option if you want to avoid or if you’re not qualified for cosmetic surgery.

Best Types of Dermal Fillers for Cheek Augmentation

Dermal fillers can be made of different materials but the most popular ones are hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid. For cheek fillers, most providers commonly use hyaluronic acid-based injectables.

A hyaluronic acid filler can instantly restore plumpness while locking in water and moisture in the treatment area to keep the skin fresh and hydrated. They can also support natural collagen production to firm up and tighten sagging skin on the cheeks.

Here are some of the best types of HA-based dermal fillers for cheek enhancement:

1. Restylane Lyft

This FDA-approved HA filler is mostly used for restoring volume and improving facial structure to provide a beautiful and natural-looking cheek lift. It can also help reduce severe wrinkles and smile lines on the face. The results of Restylane Lyft injections can last anywhere from 8 to 12 months.

2. Restylane Contour

This is another cosmetic injectable that comes from the Restylane family of dermal fillers. This hyaluronic acid gel filler is specifically formulated with XpresHAn Technology to improve facial contour and symmetry while providing flexibility so you can move and make facial expressions naturally. Its results can last for up to a year and can be maintained with additional filler injections.

3. Juvederm Voluma

This hyaluronic acid filler has a thicker gel consistency that’s suited for deep injections in the mid-face area. This injectable filler is perfect for providing cheek volume, smoothing out wrinkles, and improving hydration to restore skin elasticity. When used for cheek augmentation, Juvederm Voluma can last anywhere from 12 months to 2 years.

Important Reminders Before and After a Cheek Filler Procedure

Although cheek fillers are safe and relatively risk-free, there are some instructions that you need to follow to help prepare you for your injections. You also need to take note of several aftercare reminders to help manage your side effects and ensure that you get the best possible results. Here are the important pre- and post-procedure reminders:

What to Do Before Cheek Filler Injections

  • Stop taking blood thinners, herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory medications prior to the treatment. They may affect your recovery from the procedure and prolong the bruising and swelling.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before the dermal filler injection.
  • Stop the use of topical skincare products with retinol, retinoids, and glycolic acid.

How to Take Care of Skin After Cheek Filler Injections

Get the Best Cheek Fillers for Facial Rejuvenation From Dr. Lanna

middle aged woman had cheek filler procedure

Cheek fillers are a convenient cosmetic procedure that can help take the years off your face without any invasive surgery. With the wide selection of cosmetic fillers on the market, you only need the help of a trusted provider to find the best injectable that suits your skin type and helps address your cosmetic issues.

Here at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we have a wide range of dermal filler products that can be used for safe and effective non-surgical cheek enhancement. We’ve performed thousands of successful aesthetic treatments and we can help you make your beauty goals come true. Book a cheek filler consultation today and get your personalized treatment plan from our expert doctors.

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