Restore Youthful Volume to Your Cheeks with Fillers

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Aging causes facial volume loss in several key areas like the cheeks. As we get older, our faces start to lose some of their plumpness and contour. This natural loss of facial fat and collagen leads to sunken cheeks and an overall gaunt appearance.

Dermal fillers provide a safe, effective way to add volume back to the cheeks. When performed by a skilled provider, cheek fillers can restore a more youthful fullness to your midface for natural-looking results.

This guide will cover everything you need to know about using dermal fillers to replenish volume in the cheeks.

Causes of Volume Loss in the Cheeks

cheek filler treatment

The cheeks are one of the first areas of the face to show signs of volume loss, which can start in our 20s and become more noticeable in our 30s and beyond. The cheeks are made up of soft fatty tissue that begins to deteriorate over time. The skin also starts to thin out and sag, contributing to a gaunt, hollow look in the cheek area. 

Loss of volume in the cheeks can make us look older, tired, and unhealthy. It leads to the appearance of sunken cheeks, under eye bags and dark circles, jowls, laugh lines, and an overall deflated complexion.

As we get older, our faces lose some of their youthful fullness for various reasons:

Weight LossLosing a significant amount of weight, especially later in life, can make the cheeks appear more hollow. When the face loses its subcutaneous fat, it loses the lift and contour that this fat provides. While many patients are happy about losing weight, they are often bothered by the gauntness or newly visible contours in the face that result.
Sun ExposureYears of unprotected sun exposure can break down collagen in the skin. As collagen depletion occurs, cheek volume is lost. Sun exposure is one of the main extrinsic causes of faster cheek volume loss.
SmokingLike sun exposure, smoking constricts blood vessels which impedes blood flow and accelerates the degradation of collagen and elastin. Smokers tend to develop hollowed cheeks earlier than non-smokers due to collagen loss.
GeneticsSome people are just genetically prone to thinner facial features and volume loss in areas like the cheeks. Midface volume loss tends to occur earlier in these individuals as part of the intrinsic aging process. Research shows that genetics accounts for over 70% of the differences between people in face size, nose shape, lip size, and eye spacing.

How Cheek Fillers Help in Volume Loss

Cheek fillers offer an effective aesthetic solution to restore lost volume and fullness to the cheek area. Adding volume back to this area offers a variety of aesthetic benefits:

  1. Restores Facial Balance
    When cheek volume is restored, it brings balance back to the facial features. Augmenting the cheek area can make a long or narrow face appear more oval.
  1. Lifts Sagging Skin
    Fillers help lift and tighten sagging skin over the cheekbones. This repositions drooping facial skin for a contouring effect. A study on cheek filler use shows that over 50% of patients had a 1-grade or more improvement in cheek volume and 30-50% had a 1-grade or more reduction in wrinkle severity over the course of the study.
  1. Minimizes Fine Lines
    Injecting filler along the hollows under the eyes and along the cheekbones fills out fine lines and wrinkles from the inside. This softens the appearance of pesky lines and wrinkles.
  1. Contours Facial Shape
    Strategic placement of filler can reshape and contour the cheeks for the desired facial profile - whether it be heart-shaped, oval or inverted triangle.
  1. Reverses Midface Ptosis
    Ptosis refers to drooping. Cheek fillers can reverse ptosis by lifting droopy cheek fat to a higher, more youthful position on the face for a visible lift.
  1. Creates Facial Harmony
    Properly augmenting the cheeks creates better facial proportionality. Filler creates harmony between the midface and other features like the jawline.
  1. It’s Non-Surgical
    Fillers offer dramatic rejuvenation without surgery or significant downtime. There is minimal pain or discomfort during the injections as well.
  1. It Produces Natural-Looking Results
    Unlike years past, today's advanced dermal fillers produce very natural-looking cheek enhancement. Moderate amounts can add subtle volume for a refreshed, not overdone appearance.

Treatment Options for Cheek Augmentation

The most appropriate dermal filler injections for cheek augmentation are typically hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as Restylane Lyft, Restylane Contour, and Juvederm Voluma. These fillers add volume through cross-linked hyaluronic acid and are commonly used to add volume and soften facial wrinkles and lines in the cheek area. They provide a smooth, natural look and feel. Results typically last 6-12 months.

Additionally, collagen-stimulating fillers like Radiesse and Sculptra may also be used to improve fullness, add shape, and restore an attractive facial contour. Radiesse contains calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres that stimulate collagen production for longer-lasting results. 

Sculptra contains poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate collagen production over time for subtle, gradual volumizing.

Radiesse and Voluma are especially popular choices for restoring volume loss in the cheeks. Radiesse is ideal for those primarily concerned with lost volume in the cheekbone area, as it provides immediate volume through the microspheres as well as long-term collagen stimulation for results that can last 1-2 years.

With a variety of dermal filler options now available, your provider can determine which cheek filler is best suited for your particular needs and desired outcome. The goal is beautiful, natural-looking cheek enhancement customized to your facial anatomy.

What to Expect During Cheek Filler Treatment

Cheek filler injections are performed right in the office. Here's a quick rundown of what to expect:

  1. The aesthetician will cleanse and numb the treatment area. Apply a topical numbing cream to the cheeks and allow it to take effect for 20-30 minutes before the injection. This helps make the injections more comfortable.
  2. Once the area is numb, a fine needle will be used to inject the dermal filler into the cheeks. The filler will be injected into the hollows and contours of the cheeks in small amounts. Multiple injection points will be made to evenly distribute the filler.
  3. The cheek area will be massaged to properly blend the filler for a smooth, natural look. The provider may also ask you to massage the area.
  4. An ice pack may be applied to the treatment area to help minimize swelling, redness, and bruising afterwards. Keep the ice on for 10-15 minutes.
  5. The treatment takes approximately 30-60 minutes from start to finish. You should see instant improvement in the cheek fullness right away.
  6. In the days following treatment, swelling, redness, and tenderness are common but generally mild side effects. These should subside within a week.
  7. Results will continue improving over the next 1-2 weeks as the filler integrates into the tissue. Follow up with your provider around 2 weeks after for an evaluation.
  8. After treatment you can resume normal activities right away. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours. Follow any additional aftercare instructions from your provider.

When performed by an experienced cosmetic provider, cheek fillers are a quick, relatively painless procedure. Be sure to follow the aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.

Achieving Natural Cheek Filler Results

With expert injection techniques, cheek fillers can look extremely natural. Here are some best practices for seamless cheek enhancement:

Best PracticesDescription
Strategic Placement The strategic placement of dermal filler is important for achieving natural-looking cheek enhancement. Filler should be focused along the cheek hollows to add volume precisely where it is needed. Overfilling the upper cheeks can create an unnaturally round "chipmunk" appearance, so it is best to avoid that area.
Appropriate Filler SelectionSelecting the appropriate type of dermal filler is key to natural-looking results. Softer hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers mimic the movement of facial tissues better than dense, stiff fillers that may appear artificial. 
Expert TechniqueThe injection technique used by an experienced provider makes a significant difference in the final outcome. Using multiple thin threads of filler rather than a single large bolus prevents unnatural lumps or bumps. Injecting the filler across different planes, both deep and superficial, allows for even integration into the tissue and avoids irregularities. An artistic eye for facial aesthetics helps create beautiful, balanced results tailored to the individual.
Moderate CorrectionWhile some seek an overly filled cheek, moderate correction with dermal filler is often the better approach. Conservative amounts can still produce dramatic improvements in sunken cheek hollows. It is better to start small and slowly build the volume over multiple sessions if needed. This gradual approach helps achieve a natural look, not an artificial overfilled appearance.

Restore Cheek Fullness at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

cheek filler results

Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, led by Dr. Lanna Cheuck, provides a range of safe, effective, and technologically advanced aesthetic services. These services include dermal fillers, Botox, liquid facelifts, among others.

Dr. Lanna has performed over 10,000 successful aesthetic treatments and is known for her expertise in injectables and facial rejuvenation. Dr. Lanna Aesthetics is committed to helping clients achieve their beauty goals and feel confident in their own skin.

If you are looking to restore a more youthful contour and fullness to your cheeks, contact Dr. Lanna Aesthetics today to schedule your consultation. Our team of experts will help you determine the optimal filler and treatment plan for natural-looking volume that leaves you looking refreshed and radiant.

FAQs About Cheek Fillers

How long do cheek fillers last?

Cheek fillers typically last 6-18 months depending on the type of filler. Hyaluronic acid fillers may need maintenance every 6-12 months. Longer lasting options like Sculptra or Radiesse can last over a year. 

Are there any side effects of cheek fillers?

Common temporary side effects of cheek fillers include swelling, bruising, redness and tenderness. These resolve within a week. Rare side effects are lumpiness, asymmetry, prolonged swelling and hyperpigmentation at the injection sites.

How can I maintain cheek filler results?

Maintain stable weight, follow a healthy diet, stay hydrated and use sunscreen to prolong cheek filler results. Repeat injections around 6-12 months help sustain improvements. Combining cheek fillers with skin tightening also helps maintain effects.

Can I combine cheek fillers with other treatments?

Yes, combining cheek fillers with Botox, laser resurfacing, microneedling or Ultherapy enhances results. A multi-modal approach comprehensively addresses signs of cheek aging for optimal rejuvenation.

What can I expect during my cheek filler consultation?

The consultation involves assessing candidacy, goals, medical history and expectations. Your provider will examine your facial anatomy and volume loss patterns to create a customized treatment plan.

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