Cheek Augmentation Fillers Before and After: Your Guide to a Rejuvenated Appearance

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Witness the remarkable transformations that cheek fillers can achieve, restoring volume, lifting sagging skin, and enhancing facial contours for a more youthful look.

Are you curious about the before and after effects of cheek fillers? Do you want to know the specifics first before trying this popular treatment? With age, the cheeks naturally lose volume and fullness, causing the midface to appear hollow or saggy. 

Cheek augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that can help restore a youthful contour to this area using dermal fillers. When skillfully injected, cheek fillers can lift sagging cheeks, accentuate the cheekbones, diminish nasolabial folds,

What Are Cheek Augmentation Fillers?

A woman getting cheek fillers

Cheek augmentation is performed using injectable soft tissue fillers, usually made from hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that provides moisture and structure to the skin. When used as dermal fillers, hyaluronic acid products like Juvéderm, Restylane, and Belotero add volume when injected into facial tissues.

The most commonly used cheek fillers include:

  • Juvéderm Voluma - Provides lift and volume that can last up to 2 years. Approved by the FDA for cheek augmentation.
  • Restylane Lyft - Designed to plump cheeks and midface. Effects last up to 18 months.
  • Radiesse - Made of calcium hydroxyapatite rather than hyaluronic acid. Provides longer-lasting results of up to 2 years.

How Do They Work?

These fillers are injected with a fine needle into the deep tissues of the cheek. They work by filling in lost volume and essentially lifting the overlying skin. The results are not permanent, but typically last 1-2 years with most fillers. After this time, the filler is gradually absorbed by the body and the cheeks return to their previous state. Maintenance injections can sustain the desired amount of volume long-term.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Cheek Augmentation Fillers?

Cheek fillers can benefit men and women who want to restore a more youthful contour to the midface. They are an option for individuals experiencing these types of concerns:

  • Sagging or flat cheeks making the midface appear hollow or gaunt
  • Loss of cheek volume leading to drooping along the nasolabial folds
  • Facial asymmetry with one side flatter than the other
  • Desire for more definition along the cheekbones

The best candidates for cheek augmentation have good skin elasticity and muscle tone. For more significant lifting and sculpting, the cheeks require some structural foundation. Fillers generally produce better results in those under age 65.

You may not be an ideal candidate if you:

  • Have severe cheek hollowing or muscle atrophy due to age-related facial fat loss
  • Have excessive sagging skin along the midface and jaws
  • Have a history of severe allergies, anaphylaxis, or keloid scarring

Thinner individuals often get great results from cheek filler injections. Those with fuller faces may require more syringes of product to obtain a noticeable enhancement.

What Can I Expect During a Cheek Filler Procedure?

Cheek augmentation with fillers is a relatively quick and non-invasive treatment. It requires no downtime and you can resume normal activities immediately. Here's what to expect:

  • Consultation - You'll discuss your concerns and goals for cheek rejuvenation with your provider. They'll assess your anatomy and elasticity to determine the right type and amount of filler.
  • Facial cleansing - The injection sites will be cleaned and prepared with an antiseptic.
  • Numbing - A topical anesthetic cream or lidocaine is applied to maximize your comfort.
  • Injections - Using a very fine needle, the filler will be precisely injected in small amounts into the deep cheek tissues. The provider follows an injection pattern to evenly distribute the filler.
  • Massage - After the injections, your provider will massage the area to smooth and evenly distribute the filler.
  • Results - You should see some immediate improvement in contour and volume, which will continue to enhance over the next few days as swelling subsides. Some mild bruising or redness may occur at the injection sites.

The entire procedure takes 15-30 minutes. You’ll want to avoid touching or pressing on the area for a few days. Some providers may recommend using arnica cream and avoiding strenuous exercise for about 24 hours.

How Will My Cheeks Look Immediately After the Dermal Filler Injections?

Right after your cheek filler injections, the area will likely feel somewhat swollen and look slightly puffy. This temporary swelling subsides over the next 2-4 days. Ice packs can help reduce swelling and tenderness during the first 24 hours.

Any mild bruising around the injection sites tends to resolve within 7-10 days. The provider may recommend avoiding blood-thinning medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, or alcohol for a few days after treatment since these can increase bruising risk.

How Long Will It Take to See the Final Results?

A woman getting cheek fillers

You should start to see the contouring effects of the filler after 2-4 days. Optimal results are visible within about 2 weeks as the filler fully integrates into the treatment area. The cheeks will appear lifted, smoothed and beautifully volumized.

With hyaluronic acid fillers, the results are temporary but can last 6-24 months depending on the product used. Voluma and Radiesse tend to have more longevity, while Restylane and Juvéderm effects may fade sooner. Over time, the filler is absorbed by the body and the cheeks will gradually revert closer to their original state.

Maintenance injections every 6-18 months can sustain your desired cheek fullness. Be sure to schedule follow-up appointments with your provider to assess when it may be time for touch-up injections.

How Can Cheek Fillers Change the Shape and Contour of My Face?

When expertly placed, injectable fillers can produce a noticeable yet very natural-looking transformation in the cheeks and midface:

  • Cheekbone enhancement - Fillers accentuate the zygomatic arch, the prominent bone beneath the cheeks, for more chiseled definition.
  • Midface lift - Injections in the upper cheek lift and smooth sagging skin from the cheeks down along the nasolabial folds.
  • Under-eye improvement - Filling the tear troughs can minimize under-eye circles and hollows.
  • Overall facial harmony - Properly balanced facial proportions just feel more youthful. Fillers help restore this ideal relationship between the midface and other facial features.

Subtle cheek shaping with fillers looks natural. The aim is to restore lost volume in a balanced way. With a skilled injector, you'll walk out looking like an enhanced version of your natural self - not like you had "work done."

What Are the Possible Differences in Facial Expression and Overall Appearance After Cheek Augmentation?

When performed appropriately, cheek fillers should not limit your facial expressions. Natural smiles, laughs, and animated expressions will not appear stiff or artificial.

What you will notice is an overall refreshed, rejuvenated look. As aging deflates the midface, it can make the nose and lips seem more prominent and exaggerated. Restoring lost volume to the cheeks helps reverse this effect, bringing proper proportions back to the mid and lower face.

Specific improvements can include:

  • A cheek contour that appears lifted rather than sagging downward
  • Less pronounced nasolabial folds and smile lines
  • Cheekbones that have a subtly defined arch
  • An overall smoothness and uniformity to the midface
  • Less shadowing or the appearance of jowls along the jawline
  • A smile that breaks broadly across the face, not just the mouth
  • More youthful eye shape, with less hollowness or bags

The cumulative effect is revitalizing. Friends and family may notice you looking exceptionally bright-eyed and fresh-faced without specifically identifying the cheek filler treatment.

Are Cheek Augmentation Fillers Safe?

With a reputable provider, cheek fillers pose very few risks of serious or long-lasting complications. Still, as with any procedure, some potential side effects include:

  • Bruising, swelling, pain, redness at injection sites - These typically resolve within a week.
  • Asymmetry in the results - Using precise injection techniques minimizes this risk.
  • Overfilled/unnatural appearance - An experienced, conservative provider strives for subtle, balanced results.
  • Infection - Extremely rare; proper injection hygiene reduces risks.
  • Absorption issues - Imperfect filler integration can lead to bumps or dips. Massage and follow-ups help avoid this.
  • Allergic reaction - Only occurs in cases of allergy to specific ingredients.
  • Vascular occlusion - Very rare; certain areas of the face can compromise blood flow if injected improperly.
  • Skin damage - Avoided by using appropriate needle size, depth, and product viscosity.

The above side effects and risks are temporary and very uncommon with a skilled, licensed provider. However, serious complications can occur if fillers are administered incorrectly or with poor injection technique. Thoroughly research your provider's expertise and patient reviews. Opt for a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist for best and safest outcomes.

What Happens if I Don't Like the Results of My Cheek Augmentation? 

A woman getting cheek fillers

The vast majority of patients are extremely satisfied with their cheek augmentation results and experience a smoother, more youthful-looking midface. However, in the rare instance you feel the results are unsatisfactory:

  • Undercorrection - More filler can be added to improve contour or volume during a follow-up visit.
  • Overcorrection - Hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm and Restylane can be reversed using hyaluronidase, an enzyme that dissolves HA. Effects dissipate within 24-48 hours.
  • Asymmetry - Skillful touch-up injections can improve symmetry.
  • Irregularities - Small bumps or dents sometimes resolve on their own. Otherwise, hyaluronidase or dilute Radiesse can smooth out any irregularities.

Patience is key - it can take 2-4 weeks for the final effects to fully develop. If you do remain dissatisfied, bring up your concerns promptly with your provider before considering reversal with hyaluronidase. Most will provide free touch-ups or adjustments.

With proper candidate selection, an experienced injector, and measured conservative use of filler, cheek augmentation offers an effective way to revitalize the midface and restore a more youthful contour. When performed with a light hand and natural-looking approach, results appear smooth, symmetrical and completely refreshed. 

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