Can You Get a Black Eye from Cheek Filler?

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A Guide to Bruising Risks, Prevention and Aftercare

Some degree of bruising around the eyes, including potential black eyes, can occur after cheek filler injections. However, the risk of extensive bruising is lower with an experienced injector using proper technique.

A black eye after cheek filler? Yikes! No one wants to look like they lost a boxing match when they were actually trying to subtly enhance their natural beauty. But bruising is a real risk when getting injections to plump up your midface.

How can you avoid looking like a panda after cheek filler? What exactly causes the black and blue around your eyes? And if you do end up with raccoon eyes, how long will it last and what can you do to speed up recovery?

This is your all-inclusive guide to periorbital bruising after cheek fillers. We'll break down the factors that make a shiner more likely, provide tips to decrease your chances of bruising in the first place, and give advice to minimize swelling and speed up healing if you do wake up looking a little worse for wear. 

Read on for everything you need to know to avoid fright and get your cheek filler glow on!

What are Cheek Fillers?

Cheek fillers are dermal filler injections used to add volume to the midface region, including the upper cheekbones and under eye hollows. Fillers help restore a youthful contour and address age-related volume loss in the cheek area.

The most common type of cheek fillers are those made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps retain moisture and add volume. Popular hyaluronic acid cheek fillers offered by Dr. Lanna Aesthetics include Juvederm Voluma for lift and projection, and Restylane Lyft for fuller cheeks.

Other types of cheek fillers include:

  • Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers like Radiesse used by Dr. Lanna Aesthetics to stimulate collagen production for longer-lasting, natural-looking results.
  • Polylactic acid fillers like Sculptra that work gradually over time by stimulating the body's own collagen production for subtle, natural-looking cheek augmentation.
  • Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) fillers like Artefill contain microscopic beads for permanent augmentation and wrinkle correction.
  • Polyalkylimide fillers like BioAlcamid provide semi-permanent volume restoration and contouring for up to 2 years.

Discover which cheek filler is right for you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Lanna today.

Can Cheek Fillers Cause Black Eyes?

It is possible to experience bruising under the eyes after cheek filler injections, also called periorbital bruising or “raccoon eyes.” The delicate blood vessels under the thin skin around the eye region make it susceptible to bruising. 

During the filler injection, the needle may nick or compress tiny capillaries, allowing blood to leak into the surrounding tissues. Improper injection technique and superficial placement can heighten the chances of trauma to blood vessels.

Patient factors like genetics, age, and medication use also influence bruising and swelling after cheek fillers. Older patients are more prone to bruising due to natural loss of facial fat and collagen.

Is Bruising Normal After Cheek Fillers?

Mild bruising is common after facial filler injections and considered a normal side effect. However, the extent of bruising can vary significantly between patients. It depends on the skill of the injector, injection technique, anatomical vulnerabilities, patient age, genetics, skin thickness, and bleeding tendencies.

Proper technique involves slow and gentle injection in the appropriate cheek tissue plane, avoiding blood vessels. With an expert injector using cautions to minimize trauma, significant bruising is uncommon. Some minor redness, swelling, or tenderness is expected, but moderate to severe bruising is not considered “normal.”

What Causes Bruising After Cheek Fillers?

Bruising and swelling are common side effects after cheek filler injections. There are several factors that can lead to increased bruising and swelling:

Needle TraumaThe skin and soft tissue under the eyes is very thin with many tiny blood vessels running through it. During the injection process, the needle piercing the skin can damage these small capillaries and veins, allowing blood to leak out into the surrounding tissue. 
Improper PlacementIf filler is injected too superficially or close to the surface rather than deep into the cheek structure, it is more likely to cause bruising and swelling. The proper plane for cheek fillers is deep under the skin in the subcutaneous fat compartment.
Excessive Volume or PressureOverfilling the cheeks with too much filler product or injecting with too much pressure can traumatize the tissue and damage blood vessels, leading to increased bruising and swelling.
Patient FactorsSome patients are simply more prone to bruising due to individual factors like age, genetics, anatomy, and use of medications or supplements that interfere with coagulation and platelet function. Older patients tend to bruise more easily.
Post-Procedure ActivityAny activity that increases blood flow and circulation to the face after the injections can worsen bruising by pumping more blood and fluid into the traumatized area. This includes exercise, consumption of alcohol, excessive heat exposure, and even activities like bending over or straining.

Proper injection technique, appropriate filler placement and volume, and avoiding activities that increase circulation immediately after treatment can all help minimize bruising risk from cheek filler procedures. 

How Long Does Bruising Last?

The duration of bruising and swelling after cheek filler injections varies but typically lasts about 3-7 days. The factors influencing the duration of bruising include:

  • Severity of Bruising: More significant bruising tends to take longer to heal.
  • Individual Healing Ability: Younger patients often heal faster than older individuals.
  • Adherence to Aftercare Instructions: Avoiding blood thinners and following post-treatment care can expedite healing.

With proper aftercare and barring complications, even moderate cheek bruising generally fades noticeably within a week and completely resolves within two weeks. Mild bruises may resolve sooner or take longer depending on individual circumstances. As such, patients are advised that complete resolution of bruising could take up to two weeks.

Trust Dr. Lanna to advise you on realistic timeframes for cheek filler bruising recovery. Book your consultation today.

How to Prevent and Treat Bruising After Cheek Filler Injections

Although some bruising is common with cheek filler injections, there are ways to minimize the risk and speed up recovery:

  1. Choose an experienced, expert injector. Their skill and technique make a major difference in avoiding blood vessel trauma that can cause bruising.
  2. Avoid blood thinners like NSAIDs, aspirin, and certain supplements for 1-2 weeks before and after treatment. This helps prevent bleeding and bruising.
  3. Apply ice before and after injections to constrict blood vessels and limit potential bleeding and swelling.
  4. Avoid touching or massaging the treated area after injections, as this can worsen bruising.
  5. Stay hydrated before and after injections to support healing.
  6. Limit strenuous activity for 24 hours post-treatment to avoid aggravating any bruising.

Even with precautions, some bruising may still occur. But the following remedies can help minimize swelling and speed up resolution of any bruising:

  • Use cold compresses on the affected area for 10-15 minutes several times a day. The cold constricts blood vessels and reduces inflammation.
  • Avoid high intensity activity, bending over, heavy lifting, and alcohol consumption which can worsen swelling.
  • Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatories and analgesics sparingly to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Try topical arnica gels and creams. Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with bruising.
  • Use vitamin K ointment to speed up bruise healing.
  • See a doctor promptly if swelling is severe or persistent.

When Should I Be Concerned About Bruising?

Cheek Filler Treatment

Contact your doctor promptly if you experience:

  • Bruising that worsens or spreads substantially past the injection site.
  • Extreme pain, throbbing, or tenderness that is not relieved by medication.
  • Changes in vision, difficulty swallowing or breathing. These require emergency care.
  • Fever, warmth, and red streaking around the bruise which indicate infection.
  • Bruises that do not start to improve within 10-14 days.

Rarely, bruising can lead to more serious complications like infection or occlusion of a blood vessel. Seek medical help immediately if you have any concerns about your bruising.


A small degree of bruising, swelling, and redness is common after cheek filler injections but typically resolves within 3-7 days. With a skilled injector, optimal technique, and proper aftercare, significant bruising can often be avoided or minimized. 

Mild cheek bruising is temporary and fades quickly in most cases. Follow your doctor’s aftercare instructions and contact them with any concerns. With patience and care, you can recover from bruising quickly and enjoy beautiful, natural-looking results.

If you are considering cheek fillers and want to minimize bruising risks, consult with Dr. Lanna Cheuck at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics. With over 10,000 successful procedures, Dr. Lanna is highly experienced in cheek filler injections and achieving natural-looking, long-lasting results. Book a consultation today to learn more about your options.

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